
毕业论文: 兴安动物药业有限责任公司薪酬管理问题研究.docVIP

毕业论文: 兴安动物药业有限责任公司薪酬管理问题研究.doc

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毕业设计(论文) 设计题目:山东兴安动物药业有限责任公司薪酬管理问题研究 摘要 在市场经济下,薪酬既是宏观经济关注的问题,又是微观企业人力资源管理关注的重要问题之一,随着市场经济的发展,我国小企业的变化巨大而迅速,但是小企业在人力资源管理特别是薪酬管理方面还存在着许多不规范与不科学的地方它们正阻碍着我国中小企业的进一步发展,有关小企业薪酬管理的问题研究显得越来越迫切。本文就其中的常见问题及产生原因进行了深入探讨。无论是对企业还是对劳动者来说,薪酬问题无疑都是最敏感的问题之一,同时,薪酬也是现代企业不可或缺的竞争手段和激励手段。薪酬管理不仅是企业人力资源管理最重要的内容,而且是建立现代企业制度的重要组成部分。企业薪酬管理运作灵活与否,直接影响到企业生产经营等日常活动,进而会影响到企业的发展和战略目标的实现。但是由于我国市场化深度不够,尤其是劳动力市场发育的不完善,以及企业人力资源系统发育的不成熟,造成我国企业在薪酬管理方面总是处于四处救火的状态。本文通过分析和研究薪酬管理设计的基本原则和应注意的主要问题,分析了薪酬管理模式和薪酬管理制度的制定方法,为设计企业的薪酬管理制度奠定坚实的基础。 关键词 薪酬管理;绩效管理;人力资源管理 Abstract Under the market economy, the salary is both macro economic concerns, and micro enterprise human resources management is one of important issues, concern with the development of market economy, medium-sized enterprises in the human resources management especially reward management still exist many non-standard and unscientific place they are hindering the further development of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the small and medium-sized enterprise salary management problems research appears more and more urgent. This paper is one of the common problems and reasons discussed deeply.Whether on business or for workers compensation is undoubtedly one of the most sensitive problem, at the same time, the salary is also an integral part of modern enterprise competition means and incentives. but also is an important part of establishing modern enterprise system. Nimble or not, the enterprises salary management directly affect the enterprise production and operation of daily activities, which will affect the development of enterprise and the strategic target realization. But because our country market depth is not enough, especially in the Labour market development is imperfect, and the development of enterprise human resource system is not mature, caused our country enterprise in salary management is always in a state of fire all around. Design in this article, through analysis and research on comp



