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本科毕业设计说明书 扫地机的智能控制系统设计 SWEEPER INTELLIGENT CONTROLSYSTEM DESIGN 学院(部): 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 扫地机的智能控制系统设计 摘要 摘要 采用区域充满的规划方法,目根据建立的机器人平台,提出清扫机器人随机运动路径规划算法。利当遇到障碍物时,启动障碍物应对策关键词机器人环境识别规划 SWEEPER INTELLIGENT CONTROLSYSTEM DESIGN ABSTRACT At present time,more and more various of service robots are designed and applied to people’s daily life.The application of these robots is promoting the quality of people’s life tremendously as they deal with the works related to people’s life closely.Indoor automatic cleaning robot is one of these service robots developed to help people to carry out the troublesome room cleaning work.The path planning algorithm of Indoor Automatic Cleaning Robot should spread over the room area using the area filling path planning algorithm to find a continuous path from start to end. A random moving path planning algorithm is put forward based on the platform. The cleaning robot identifies the room environment using the infrared transducer and the camera outfitted on its body.Moving in the spiral motion mode with the gradually enlarging radius,the robot begins to explore and clean the blank area.While it encounters obstacles like wall or furniture,it will start the strategy of dealing with obstacles.This algorithm is validated through computer simulation and robot experiment. KEYWORDS:cleaning robot,single chip microcomputer,environment identification,path planning 1绪论 1.1 引言 自动扫地机器人是当今服务机器人领域的研究热点。从理论和技术上讲,自动扫地机器人比较具体的体现了移动机器人的多项关键技术,具有较强的代表性;从市场上前景讲,自动扫地机器人将大大降低劳动强度,提高劳动效率,适用于宾馆﹑酒店﹑图书馆﹑办公场所和大众家庭。因此开发自动扫地机器人既具有科研上的挑战性又具有广阔的市场前景。 1.2 研究现状: 自从1904年英国人发明了第一台扫地机,至今为止扫地机的发展历史已有近百年。而后日本、美国、德国、英国等国家就开始了扫地机的批量生产。目前,国外先进的扫地机都在不断地提高智能水平。 吸扫式小型扫地机是目前国内外应用最为广泛的小型扫地机品种,通常盘型刷和风机、风管道、吸尘嘴等。盘刷的设置加强了对马路边沟的清扫,增加了清扫宽度。盘型刷将侧面的垃圾扫到吸尘嘴的工作区域,再由吸尘系统将垃圾吸入机内的垃圾箱。吸扫式小型扫地机适合于任何道路环境的清扫,对污物、尘土都有很好的清扫效果,工作效率高。智能化扫地机不仅给企业带来巨大的经济效益,同时也产生了显著的社会效益。 1.2.2 多传感器融合


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