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1563 Rev. William Lee, born at Woodborough near Nottingham, invents the Stocking Frame, a mechanical device for knitting stockings. 1692 Languedoc Canal connects the Mediterranean with the Bay of Biscay. 240 miles long, with 100 locks, 3 major aqueducts, 1 tunnel, and a summit reservoir.? The largest canal project between Roman times and the nineteenth century. 1708 Jethro Tulls mechanical (seed) sower permits large-scale planting in rows, for easier cultivation between the rows. 1709 Abraham Darby uses coke to smelt iron ore, replacing wood and charcoal as fuel. 1712 Thomas Newcomen builds first commercially successful steam engine. Able to keep deep coal mines clear of water. First significant power source other than wind and water. 1733 John Kays flying shuttle. 1758 First threshing machine. 1761 James Brindleys Bridgewater Canal opens. Barges carry coal from Worsley to Manchester. 1765 James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny, automating weaving the warp (in the weaving of cloth). 1769 Arkwrights water (powered) frame automates the weft. 1772 Bridgewater Canal extended to the Mersey, thus connecting with Liverpool. Its success kicks off extensive canal construction (canal mania). 1775 Watts first efficient steam engine, much more efficient than the Newcomen.? 1777 Grand Trunk Canal establishes a cross-England route connecting the Mersey to the Trent and connecting the industrial Midlands to the ports of Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull. 1779 First steam powered mills. Cromptons mule combines Hargreaves and Arkwrights machines, fully automating the weaving process. 1786 Arkwright puts a Watt engine in the Albion cotton mill, Blackfriars Bridge, London. 1787 Cartwright builds a power loom. 1789 Thames-Severn Canal links the Thames to the Bristol Channel. 1792 William Murdock (James Watts assistant) lights his home with coal gas. 1793 Eli Whitney develops his cotton gin (a device to clean raw cotton). 1793- 1803 Thomas Telfo


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