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Agricultural Science Technology, 2013, 14(12): 1750-1755, 1809 Copyright 訫 2013, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticultrue Effects of Water Stress on Some Physiological Characteristics and Yield Compensation of Rice in Booting Stage 1 1 2 鄢 1 2 2 Shuxing LI , Hui GUO , Jun MA , Min LI , Ping ZHU , Yu CHEN 1. Rice Research Institute of Guizhou, Guiyang 550006, China; 2. Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, Wenjiang 611130, China Abstract [Objective] The physiological characteristics and yield compensation effects 孕穗期水分胁迫对水稻部分生 of rice in booting stage were studied after water recovery when rice suffered water 理特性与产量补偿效应的研究 stress to provide references for improving rice water utilization efficiency and its drought resistance. [Method] The pot experiments with five rice varieties under three 李 树 杏 1 ,郭 慧 2 ,马 均 2* ,李 敏 1 ,朱 萍 2 , different treatments of water stresses were conducted to study physical signs every 陈 宇 2 (1. 贵州省水稻研究所 , 贵州贵阳 six days after water water鄄recovery. [Result] Along with the increase of water recov鄄 ery, leaf water potential, SPAD and Pn values in treatment B (light drought) in鄄 550006 ;2. 四川 农 业 大 学 水 稻 研 究 所 ,四 川 温 creased fast, and its compensation effect of the soluble sugar content was higher 江 611130) than that of treatment C (severe drought); all sap flow speeds in treatments with 摘 要 [ 目的]在 孕 穗 期 对 水 稻 进 行 不 同 程 water stresses fell. As for yield components, panicles per plant and spikelets per 度水分胁迫后复水 ,探讨水稻生理特性与产量 panicle decreased with water stress degree, and the decline of spikelets per pani鄄 补偿效应 ,以期为提高水稻水分利用率及其抗 cle, in particular, was g



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