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Texas Instruments Incorporated Data Acquisition The design and performance of a precision voltage reference circuit for 14-bit and 16-bit A-to-D and D-to-A converters By Perry Miller, Application Specialist—Data Converters, Texas Instruments, Dallas and Doug Moore, Managing Director, Thaler Corp., Tucson, Arizona Introduction adjustable external voltage reference for 12-bit, 14-bit, and 16-bit communication data converters. The first paper on this topic appeared in the November 1999 issue of Analog Applications Journal High-resolution A-to-D and D-to-A converters rely on (/sc/techlit/slyt183). It introduced the VRE3050 an external precision voltage reference to establish absolute measurement accuracy. Any reference error precision voltage reference and described the criteria for selecting a reference for data converters that operate over undermines the overall system accuracy; thus, the exter- the industrial temperature range and the importance of the nal voltage reference must provide accurately set con- external voltage reference for high-resolution data con- stant voltage, independent of load changes, temperature, verters in general. input supply voltage, and time. This article describes the performance and design of a The circuitry complete precision voltage reference circuit consisting of The complete external voltage reference circuit is shown the VRE3050 precision reference, the MAX1682 charge


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