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Heat Exchanger Network Designone aspect of process integration J. M. Shaw Instructor CHE 465 Introduction Process integration provides a discipline which allows designers to establish The minimum energy to operate a process A process design with the lowest energy intensity An optimal investment strategy Design decisions are made consciously and consistently. Global capital and operating cost implications and trade-offs become visible. We will focus on the first bullet only and will introduce the terminology of the discipline as we go along! Start with a flow sheet without heat exchangers installed Identify streams that require heating called “cold streams” and streams that require cooling “hot streams.” Next compute the minimum energy required to operate the process What is the theoretical minimum energy required to operate the process as designed? How closely can this minimum energy requirement be approached in practice? How do we translate these concepts into practical heat exchanger network designs? Separate the network design task at the pinch and treat the two designs separately Design task above the pinch. Stream Data Option #1: one heater for the ingredients (1) + two heat exchangers [product (2) – (1) and containers (4) – (2)] Option #2: one heat exchanger [ingredients (1) – products] + two heaters [ingredients (1) and containers (4)] If several options are equivalent from an energy perspective, then what? Capital cost One larger heater vs two smaller ones. Layout In large chemical plants, distances between streams may be a factor. Materials properties and physical states Condensing vapour – liquid and liquid-liquid heat exchange are both easier and therefore cheaper than gas-gas heat exchange! Corrosion. Risk with respect to process or product safety Is exchanging heat between raw ingredients and finished products wise? Consider start-up, shutdown, control and operability issues A heater for the container washer is a good idea! Summary * I would happil
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