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第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 4.[2013·杭州] Hangzhou is ________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here. A. home B.house C.family D.room A 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 5.[2013·台州] —I want to see the movie Iron Man 3 (《钢铁侠3》). Do you know the ________ of the ticket? —Yes. Five dollars. A. number B.price C.kind D.name B 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 6.[2014·来宾] There are some ________ and ________ in the fridge(冰箱). A.tomatos; milk B.tomatos; milks C.tomatoes; milk D.tomatoes; milks C * 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ┃基础精梳理 ┃ 1. 名词变复数: class→____________, tomato→________________, strawberry→_________________, woman→_____________ 2.反义词: big→________, long→________, buy→ ________, new→________, sad→________, easy→_______________, boring→_____________________, right→________, busy→________ 词语联想 中考考点助记 类别 classes tomatoes strawberries women small short sell old happy difficult interesting/fun wrong free 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 3.动词转化: sell→________(名词), do→________(三单), have→________(三单) 4.形容词转化: interest→ _______________(有趣的), relax→____________(令人放松的), health→_____________, good→________(副词), real→________(副词) 5.基数词变序数词: one→________, two→________, three→________, five→________, eight→________, nine→________, twelve→________, twenty→______________ 词语联想 中考考点助记 类别 sale does has interesting relaxing healthy well really first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 1.________ TV 看电视 2.a ping-pong/baseball ________ 乒乓球/棒球拍 3.watch sth. ________ TV 在电视上看某物 4.________ sports 进行体育运动 5. ________ soccer踢足球 6.________ about 考虑 7.ask…________… 问……关于……的事情 8.how ________… ……怎么样 9.how ________ 多少钱 10.a ________ of一双 11.________ very good ___________以很好的价格 短语精选 中考考点助记 类别 watch bat on play play think about about much pair at prices 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 12.________ purple穿紫色衣服的 13.________ a good time过得愉快 14.school________ 学校郊游 15.English ________ 英语测试 16.________ festival艺术节 17.________ Day运动日 18.English ________ 英语



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