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醒来从说现和在开始Waking up begins with saying am and now. 过去的八个月里 醒来是件痛苦的事For the past eight months waking up has actually hurt. 我仍旧在这儿的冰冷现实慢慢沁入The cold realization that Im still here slowly sets in. 我从来不怎么喜欢醒来I was never terribly fond of waking up. 也不会向吉姆那样蹦下床微笑着迎接新的一天I was never one to jump out of bed and greet the day with a smile like Jim was. 我曾经为他早晨过于兴奋想揍他I used to want to punch him sometimes in the morning he was so happy. 不止一次告诉他只有傻瓜才会笑着迎接新的一天I always used to tell him that only fools greet the day with a smile... 也只有傻瓜会逃避一个简单的事实that only fools possibly escape the simple truth. 现在不仅仅是现在 That now isnt simply now. 那是冰冷的提示 Its a cold reminder. 年复一年 日复一日 One day later than yesterday.One year later than last year. 那一刻 迟早会到来 And that sooner or later it will come. 他会笑我 然后再亲吻我的脸颊 He used to laugh at me and then give me kiss on the cheek. 每天早晨都要花些时间去做回那个我 It takes time in the morning for me to become George. 调整到预期的那个我和那种预想的言行 The time to adjust to what is expected of George and how he is to behave. 等我打扮和做完最后抛光 By the time I have dressed and put the final layer of polish... 呈现这个稍稍僵硬 但已相当完美的那个乔治 ...on the now slightly stiff but quite perfect George... 我完全知道自己要扮演什么角色 ...I know fully what part Im supposed to play 镜中回望我的与其说是脸 Looking in the mirror staring back at me isnt so much as a face... ,不如说是愁容本身 ...as the expression of a predicament. ,只要熬过这该死的一天 Just get through the goddamn day. 可能有点戏剧化 A bit melodramatic, I guess. 但又一次 我的心破碎了 But Then Again.my heart has been broken. 感觉自己像在下沉 溺水 无法呼吸 I feel as if I am sinking, drowning,cant breathe. 你不是要说些什么吗? 开玩笑 这里棒极了 Arent you going to say something? Are you kidding? Its spectacular. 你干什么? What are you doing? 别 停止 我觉得你还没适应在玻璃屋里的生活 Just stop it. Stop it.I dont think that youre quite ready for life in a glass house. 有窗帘 老家伙 Drapes, old man. 是你常说人们当我们是透明的 Youre the one who is always saying that we are invisible. D你误会我的意思了 Thats not exactly what I meant. 有生以来第一次



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