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Spring and the IoC Container SpringSpring overviewoverview TheThe IoCIoC containercontainer • IoC means Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection) • The IoC container is the core component of the Spring fframeworkk • A bean is an object that is managed by the IoC container • ThThe IIoCC conttaiiner iis responsiblible ffor conttaiiniing andd managing beans •• SpringSpring comescomes withwith twotwo typestypes ofof containerscontainers – BeanFactory – ApplicationContextApplicationContext TheThe IoCIoC containercontainer Your Java objects (beans) Configuration Spring IoC container metadata Configured system ready for use! TheThe BeanFactoryBeanFactory • Provides basic support for dependency injection • Responsible for – Creating and dispensing beans – Managing dependencies between beans •• LightweightLightweight – usefuluseful whenwhen resourcesresources areare scarcescarce – Mobile applications, applets •• XMLBeanFactoryXMLBeanFactory mostmost commonlycommonly usedused implementationimplementation Resource xmlFile = new ClassPathResource( META-INF/beans.xml ); BeanFactory beanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory( xmlFile ); MyBean myBean = (MyBean) beanFactory.getBean( ”myBean” ); TheThe ApplicationContextApplicationContext • Built on top of the BeanFactory • Provides more enterprise-centric functionality – Internationalization of messages – AOP, transaction management •• PreferredPreferred overover thethe BeanFactoryBeanFactory inin mostmost situationssituations • Most commonly used implementation is the ClassPathXmlApplicationContextClassPathXmlApplicationContext Stri


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