几种流量计的比较,大流量 For Chengdu-vemmtec.ppt

几种流量计的比较,大流量 For Chengdu-vemmtec.ppt

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几种流量计的比较,大流量 For Chengdu-vemmtec.ppt

PaTsZs PsTaZa Va Vs = 2% Vs = PaTsZsVa/(PsTaZa) = 103.625×(20+273.15)×0.998039×Va 101.325×(5+273.15)×0.997675 = 1.0782 Va PTZ Error(PTZ误差):- 7.8% + Va Error (工况误差):- 2% Total Error (总共) :- 9.8% 2.2% 5.5% 0.04% Example of a typical station 典型的例子 例子:军区学院干休所 计量误差 PaTsZs PsTaZa Va Vs = 2% Hourly Gas Consumption每小时天然气 : 600m3/hr Daily consumption (assume 16hrs) 每天耗气16hr 1 year consumption of gas一年消耗 = 3,504,000 m3 Loss in accuracy 9.8% 损失= 343,392 m3 * RMB 1.46 = 501,352 RMB LOST IN GAS 保守的估计损失 2.2% 5.5% 0.04% Equipment Selection 针于大流量仪器仪表的选型 Equipment Selection 针于大流量仪器仪表的选型 Meter Accuracy表的精度 Turndown Ratio Consideration (Qmax/Qmin)量程比的考虑 Low/High Frequency高/低频 Internal Material (Rotor Blade/Flow Straightener)内部材料(叶轮/整流器) Proper Selection of Secondary Device选择合适的二次仪表 EVC vs Flow Computer 体积纠正仪、流量计算机对比 Pressure and Temperature Transmitter 压力和温度变送器 Communication Consideration通讯考虑 Gas Analyzer Consideration 色谱分析仪的考虑 Meter Installation consideration 表安装考虑 Equipment Selection 针于大流量仪器仪表的选型 Meter Accuracy, Repeatability Linearity 表的精度,可重复性,直线性 Meter Accuracy is important because a highly accurate meter will definitely need a good Repeatability and good Linearity 精确的流量计需要有好的重复性和线性度 Many local made meter cannot achieve high repeatability and linearity, that is why they cannot claim high Meter Accuracy. 许多国产的流量计无法达到好的重复性和线性度,所以无法满足高精度 Equipment Selection 针于大流量仪器仪表的选型 Repeatability is important as it show the stability and consistency of the meter at certain flow rate. 重复性是显示流量计在特定流量计量的稳定性 d) Linearity is important as meter need to achieve the said accuracy over the complete flow range 线性度表现在整个流量范围的精度的稳定性 e) When a meter is commissioned over a period of time, the curve of the meter may shift, therefore it is important to have good repeatability and linearity so that meter can be adjusted back to the accuracy range easily. 当流量计使用一段时间后,精度曲线会偏移,如果流量计具有良好的重复性和线性度,可以很容易的调整回原来的高精度 Equipment Sele


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