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Writing I. 大纲要求 第七部分 本部分要求考生在规定时间内,按照话题和提纲的要求用英语写出一篇不少于150词的短文,共15分,考试时间为30分钟。本部分的考试形式还可以使看图作文、描述图表或根据一篇所给的文章写出内容提要或读后感等。 同等学力作文评分原则 … II 题型、题材以及相应模板 1. 题型 1) 提纲类 … 2) 读后感 … 3) 图片类 …4) 图表题 … 2. 题材 1) 分析哲理 e.g.: 挫折(2010) Outline: Para 1. 引出话题 Para 2. 分析原因; 举例论证 Para 3. 总结点题 2) 表述观点 要求考生以社会某一现象为主题,并针对这一现象进行分析阐述,最后表面自己的观点。 e.g.: 博客 (200)大学生当村官(2006)出国游(2002) Outline: Para 1. 引出话题 表明观点 Para 2. 分析原因; 举例论证 Para 3. 总结点题 陈述观点 3) 评论观点 要求考生对某一现象或某一观点进行正、反两个方面的评论,或对两个对立的现象或观点进行评论,并且权衡利弊后做出评论性的结论。 e.g.: 大学生结婚(2005)钱带给我们什么(2003) Outline: Para 1. 引出话题 Para 2. 表明观点 分析原因; 举例论证; 对比论证 Para 3. 重述观点 4) 社会问题 要求考生围绕社会某一严重问题探究其产生的原因和根源,并且提出解决问题的措施和建议。 e.g.: 养老(2007) Para 1. 引出话题 Para 2. 分析原因Para 3. 措施建议 III 写作模板 1. 首段 1) 读后感/图片类/图表类 描述文字、图片、或图表: What is faithfully/literally depicted/described in the story / report is that S V…. What is illustrated in the table / diagram / .. chart|| is n. What is vividly depicted/portrayed in the picture / photo / cartoon / drawing || is that S V…. (As is faithfully described in the story), S V…. 引出话题 It is clear/obvious that S is fundamental to sb./sth. / that S is prevalent in sb./sth. that S is severe/serious in sth. that the demand for…. increased/decreased (dramatically) [despite a little fluctuation]. 过渡 The content of the story/drawing/table is simple, yet the symbolic meanings/information subtly conveyed/given) should be pondered rigorously. (30) …. 2) 大纲类 分析哲理 By saying ..n.., we mean that …. Actually, ..n.. is placed a high value on [in our daily lives] and [sometimes/even in our society]. (23) 表述观点 With the development of the society/the advance of science and technology/the growth of population/growth of pressure and stress in our daily live, eople || are becoming [increasingly] concerned about/with + ..n.. /that S V…. (12) 评论观点 As time goes on, the relative importance of A and B becomes increasingly prevalent in our daily life throughout the world, which has aroused the widespread debate. Some say that S V…. Yet, this is


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