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ENG2000 Chapter 7 Beams Overview In this chapter, we consider the stresses and moments present in loaded beams shear stress and bending moment diagrams We will also look at what happens when a beam is deformed in terms of the axial stress in the deformed beam and the flexural rigidity of a beam The chapter will finish by considering the failure of a column due to an axial compressive force buckling Beams with concentrated loads A beam is defined as a slender structural member For trusses we assumed that what happened in the members was unimportant to the system although the nature of the members clearly affects the strength of a truss here we look at what happens when beams are loaded We will look at the internal forces – axial and shear – and moments in the loaded beam Three types of beam are statically determinate … Cantilever Sign conventions Shear force bending moment diagrams In order to determine whether the beam can support the loads required, we need to determine the distribution of stress in the beam i.e. P, V, and M as a function of x Let’s take the following example: we first cut the beam at an arbitrary location between the left end and the force and then the other side of the force Diagrams General equations For a generalised distributed load of w(x) N/m: Stresses in beams A simple beam, such as this firewood, snaps when a moment is applied to each end Similarly, structural members can deform or fail due to bending moments This will allow us to calculate the distribution of axial stress Geometry of deformation We will consider the deformation of an ideal, isotropic prismatic beam the cross section is symmetric about y-axis All parts of the beam that were originally aligned with the longitudinal axis bend into circular arcs plane sections of the beam remain plane and perpendicular to the beam’s curved axis Neutral axis Concrete While we are mostly assuming beams made of steel or other metals, many means are made of concrete and concrete does not sup


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