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* * * * * * Power vacuum came a new force from the kingdom of Macedon on the northern borders of Greece. Macedonian conquests were followed by 3 centuries in which Greek culture spread widely in Egypt and far into western Asia The Hoplite Forces. The Greek hoplites were infantrymen equipped with large round shields and long thrusting spears. In battle, they advanced in tight phalanx formation and were dangerous opponents as long as this formation remained unbroken. This vase painting from the seventh century B.C.E. shows two groups of hoplite warriors engaged in battle. The piper on the left is leading another line of soldiers preparing to enter the fray. * Kouros. On the left is a statue of a young male nude from around 600 B.C.E, making it an early example of Greek kouros sculpture. Such statues, which were placed in temples along with companion figures of clothed young women, known as korai, were meant to be representations of the faithful dedicated to the gods. At the right is an early-seventh-century B.C.E. statue of an Egyptian nobleman. Clearly, Egyptian sculpture had a strong influence on Greek art. Unlike the Egyptians, however, Greek sculptors preferred depicting male figures in the nude. * Kouros. On the left is a statue of a young male nude from around 600 B.C.E, making it an early example of Greek kouros sculpture. Such statues, which were placed in temples along with companion figures of clothed young women, known as korai, were meant to be representations of the faithful dedicated to the gods. At the right is an early-seventh-century B.C.E. statue of an Egyptian nobleman. Clearly, Egyptian sculpture had a strong influence on Greek art. Unlike the Egyptians, however, Greek sculptors preferred depicting male figures in the nude. * The Greek Trireme. The trireme became the standard warship of ancient Greece. Highly maneuverable, fast, and outfitted with metal prows, Greek triremes were especially effective at ramming enemy ships. The bas-relief a


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