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Happy Family Bible Seminar 研習會 2 True love does not come from Hollywood! “God is love” 1 John 4:8 All true love Comes from God! See His back bleeding from 39 lashes twice! Feel the nails tearing the flesh of His hands and feet! Hear His cry, “My God! Why have You forsaken Me?” More than His physical pain, was His mental and spiritual anguish! All the sins Of all men, women, children Of all the countries of world Of all centuries of time! All the Terror of all the murderers! Haunting of all the thieves! Guilt of all the adulterers! Anguish of all the rapists! bombarded the mind of Jesus! Such anguish is inexpressible! True love Comes from Heaven! Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell According to these seven standards, how do I rate my love? Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell How can I improve my love life? Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell – Step 1 Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13 It was Thursday night. See our Savior kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane! Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell “And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Luke 22:44 Satan whispered: Judas will betray You! Peter will deny You! All will forsake You! Men will spit on You! Go back to Heaven! And He could have gone! Wrestling with that decision, His sweat became like Great drops of blood! But, looking down the centuries of time, He saw you and me! He said, “I’ll go on to Calvary!” Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell Is It Really Love? Seven Ways to Tell “When they came to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him.” Luke 23:33 Is It Really Love?


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