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12 5 工 程 设 计 学 报 Vol. 12 No. 5 2005 10 Journal of Engineering Design Oct. 2005 宝钢25 -27. 5 桥式起重机主梁有限元分析 t m 高素荷 ( ( ) , 0 0024) : MSC. M ARC , 25 t27. 6 m , , , , , . : ; : T H218: A : 1006-754X( 2005) 05-0 1 -05 Finite element analysis on Baoshan steel corporation s 25 t27. 5 m bridge-type crane - GA O Su he ( , , 0 0024, ) Technology Cent er Taiyuan Heavy M achinery Corporation T aiyuan China Abstract: Research and analysis on main beam on the long-time used 25 t 27. 5 m bridge type crane is executed by adopting FEA method and Finite Element code M SC. MARC. According to measured dimensions, deformations of bridge frame and stress distribution on it are analyzed from the aspects of experimental load case and design load case respectively . Furthermore, its structural mechanics features are presented and compared w ith the experimental results, w hich provides theoretical base for confirming its life span. : ; Key words bridge type cranes main beam finite element analysis 25 t-27. 6 m . 1 , , 27. 5 m . , . , , . 1. , , 2 2 . , . , , . . , . , , . , , , M SC. MARC ,


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