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中英文 摘要及关键词 该设计为金堂·水城印象22#楼施工组织设计,该工程位于金堂县沱源大道以东,工程总建筑面积3346.85㎡,层数为6层,1—6 层的层高均为3.000m,室内外高差0.600m,建筑总高18.600。三类建筑,按六度进行抗震设防,结构形式为砖混结构。该工程在外墙保温隔热设计上提出比较高要求 ,采用了大量新型的建筑保温材料。本设计加强了对通病的防止有效保证建筑物的质量。 建筑外立面采用褐色水刷石饰面,其余为搓砂饰面;勒脚为褐色外墙涂料,大面为象牙色外墙涂料装饰,造型新颖,优雅大方。在GBJ202-02、GB50203-02、GB50209-02、GB50210-01等一系列规范的指导下,确保正常有序的进行并且按时完成施工任务,从而使资源得到充分的利用,以达到投资少、质量高的经济效益。 关键词:砖混结构 、 新型建筑材料 、 质量通病 、 经济适用房 Abstract and Keywords Jian Xin Yuan for the design of an affordable housing construction # 7 organizational design, construction of the project is located in seven provinces on the north side of the company. The total construction area of 4329.54 ㎡, a 6-rise floor, 1-6-story-high of 2.900m, indoor and outdoor elevation 0.700m, the overall construction of high 18.600. Three categories buildings, according to six times for earthquake-proof structure in the form of brick-concrete structure. The engineering design of the exterior wall insulation on a more demanding, using a large number of new building insulation materials. Design of this increased focus on the prevention of the problem, building an effective guarantee of quality. Building facades using brush and brown stone walls of water, sand twist for the rest of the finishes; Le feet for the brown wall paint, for the different departments ivory decorative wall paint, new style, elegance generous. In, GBJ202-02 , GB50203-02, GB50209-02, GB50210-01 and a series of norms under the guidance of conduct to ensure the normal and orderly and timely completion of the construction tasks so that resources can be fully utilized to achieve the low investment and high-quality cost-effective . Key words: brick-concrete structure 、 New Building Materials、 Quality Problems 、 Affordable housing 目 录 工程概况 ……………………………………………………1 工程地点、结构形式、开竣工时间…………………………1 工程特点及难点……………………………………………1 第二章 施工总体部署…………………………………………………2 第一节 施工组织机构设立 …………………………………………2 第二节 质量目标 ……………………………………………………11 第三节 工期目标 ……………………………………………………11 第四节 文明施工目标 …


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