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本 科 毕 业 设 计 题目 王庄矿6206工作面地表移动 观测数据处理和分析 院(系部) 专业名称 年级班级 学生姓名 指导教师 2012年6月7日 摘要 地下资源的开采,一方面给人们提供了丰富的矿产资源,另一方面也带来了一系列的环境和生态问题。因为地下的煤采出后,会在地表形成一个比采空区大得多的下沉盆地,这样的下沉盆地会对地表上的建筑物、铁路以及水体造成很大的损害。为了保护地表重要建筑物,使它们不受或少受采空区造成的有害影响,必须研究地下开采引起的地表移动规律。在对观测数据的处理分析中,我们可以获取该地区可能会发生的灾害或破坏,为地表的人、物安全提供灾害预报。王庄矿6206矿区地表有重要建筑物,属于“三下”采煤课题。在保证安全高效生产的同时,又要有效地保护好地面建筑物,实现矿区可持续发展。本文通过概率积分法对大量实测数据进行处理分析,从而找出本地质环境采煤因素对地表移动的影响规律,深入研究王庄矿6206矿区地表沉陷变形规律,准确预测和控制该矿区工作面地表沉陷,为“三下”采煤提供可靠安全的参考数据。本论文的研究成果对本矿区具有重要意义,对本矿区的“三下”采煤具有一定的理论价值和指导意义。 关键词:地表移动规律;预计参数;角量参数 ABSTRACT The exploitation of underground resources, hand to provide people with rich mineral resources, on the other hand, it also brings a series of environmental and ecological problems. Because of the underground coal mining, will be formed at the surface of a much larger than the goaf subsidence basin, the subsidence basin on the surface of buildings, railways and water bodies caused great damage. In order to protect the surface of important buildings, so that they do not or less affected by mined out area caused by the harmful effects, we must study the law of surface movement caused by underground mining. In the processing of observation data analysis, we can obtain the area may be occurring disasters or destruction, for surface, safety to provide disaster forecast. Wang Zhuang mine 6206mine surface are important building, which belongs to the under three mining project. To ensure the safety and high efficiency production at the same time, but also effectively protect the buildings on the ground, realize sustainable development of mining area. This article through the probability integral method of massive measured data are analyzed, so as to find out the geological environment of mining factors effect on the ground surface movement law, in-depth study of Wang Zhuang mine 6206mine area surface subsidence deformation, accurate prediction and control of surface subsidence in


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