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Hot-rolled Pickled Automotive Steel Sheets 酸洗汽车板 更多资料参考:http://www.shsuhan.tk 目 录 C o n t e n t s 前 言 1 酸洗产品生产流程 2 热轧酸洗机组简介 3 产品范围及特点 4 产品介绍 5 新品种汽车用热轧酸洗钢带 16 包装及标签 30 订货指南 32 Preface 1 Production Flow Chat of Pickled Products 2 Introduction of Hot-rolled Pickling Line 3 Product Range and Features 4 Products Introduction 5 New Products of Hot-rolled Pickled Strip for Automobiles 16 Packaging and Labeling 30 Order Guide 32 更多资料参考:http://www.shsuhan.tk 1. 前 言 Preface 热轧酸洗产品以其表面质量、节省工序能耗等独特优势,越来越多地被应 用在汽车制造行业,成为汽车底盘、车轮、座椅、安全构件等的主要材料。宝钢 以满足用户需求为导向,紧密跟踪汽车行业发展动态,凭借长期积累的生产技 术,进行热轧酸洗汽车板产品的探索和实践,生产出具有良好品质的系列化产 品,并实现了批量稳定供货,满足汽车安全性和经济性的要求,在通用、大众、 东风日产等品牌车型上批量使用,受到汽车用户的青睐。 With unique advantages in surface quality and economic producing processes, hot- rolled pickled products have been widely used in auto manufacturing as one of the main materials for chassis, wheel, seat and safety components. Baosteel has been closely following the developments in the automotive industry to meet customers’ demands. With long-term accumulated technology in production, Baosteel has been exploring and practicing on the producing of hot-rolled pickled automotive sheets products and has developed a series of


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