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年产900吨氨基树脂工厂设计 摘 要 氨基树脂是一种用途十分广泛的有机化工产品。本设计产品是改性脲醛树脂,合成反应主要由加成反应和缩聚反应两部分组成。由于脲醛树脂胶的原料是尿素和甲醛,原料来源丰富,且生产工艺简单、成本低、胶接性耐水性好、固化速度快、胶层无色以及使用方便等优点,很快成为我国人造板生产的主要粘合剂,目前约占木材工业用量的80%以上,但随着应用领域和用量的增加。脲醛树脂胶制品中散发出来的游离甲醛污染环境,特别是用该板材制成家具和进行家庭装潢后会释放出残留甲醛和挥发性有机物(VOC),对人体皮肤、呼吸道和眼睛粘膜有刺激作用,因而造成对人体的危害。本工艺专门针对如何降低散发游离的甲醛和改性脲醛树脂做了合理设计。脲醛树脂是应用最为广泛的氨基树脂两个反应是先加成后缩聚,但又没有明显的界限,受反应条件影响只是在弱碱性条件下加成反应占优势,在弱酸性介质中缩聚反应进行的较顺利。本设计是年产900吨氨基树脂工厂设计,主要进行了工艺计算、设备选型,并绘制了全厂平面布置图、工艺流程图、物料流程图、生产车间的立面图和平面图。 关键词:氨基树脂,改性脲醛树脂,三聚氰胺,尿素, With an annual output of 900 tons amino resin plant design Abstract Purpose resin is a very wide range of organic chemical products. This design is modified products urea-formaldehyde resin, synthetic reaction from the major addition reaction and condensation reaction composed of two parts. Because UF is the raw material of plastic resin and urea formaldehyde, rich source of raw materials and production process is simple, low cost, adhesive and water resistance, and curing speed, Jiaoceng colorless and easy to use, and other advantages, will soon become Chinas man-made The main board production of adhesives, about the timber industry more than 80 percent of the amount, but with the application areas and the increase of the content.胶制品urea-formaldehyde resin in the dissemination of free formaldehyde by pollution of the environment, particularly the use made of sheet metal furniture and household decorations will release a residue of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOC), on human skin, eyes and respiratory mucosa A stimulating effect, resulting in harm to the human body. This process specifically for how to reduce distributed free of formaldehyde and urea-formaldehyde resin modified to do a reasonable design. Urea-formaldehyde resin is the most widely used of the two amino resin is the first reaction after the addition condensation, but there was no obvious limits, subject to conditions affect only weakly basic conditions Reaction advantage in


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