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本科毕业论文 (2012届) 题 目 我国商业银行并购重组绩效分析 系 经贸系 专 业 金融学 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 王湘香 指导教师 金辉 完成日期 2012年5月 诚 信 承 诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《我国商业银行并购重组绩效分析》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 并购重组是现代商业银行开拓市场、扩大规模的一种重要方法,也是银行提高国际化和综合化水平的良好途径。我国商业银行为了加强自身的竞争能力,已开始了一系列的并购重组尝试。目前我国商业银行并购重组尚处于市场化发展的初期,并购重组给双方银行带来的绩效改善非常有限,因此,银行的并购重组是否能促进效率获利成为一个值得研究的问题。 本文首先分析了银行并购重组的相关概念,接着分析我国商业银行并购重组的现状,指出我国商业银行并购重组存在的问题;然后通过因子分析法,对2007年中国工商银行收购南非标准银行、2007年民生银行收购海通证券并购前后3年的业绩进行实证比较,分析我国商业银行并购重组绩效的现实状况与水平,为我国商业银行今后并购重组方案的选择以及并购重组后绩效的提高提供理论与现实的参考。研究表明,我国商业银行的并购重组总体上来说是有效的,各方面都有所好转,但存在着安全隐患,在盈利性、安全性、流动性、成长性上不协调,具有很大的改善空间。 关键词:商业银行;并购重组;因子分析法;并购重组绩效 ABSTRACT MA is an effective mean to enhance the integration and international level of the commercial bank, and is also the important way to expand bank scale and open up markets. Chinese commercial bank should get the purposes of enhancing the bank performance and competitive abilities by MA. Now Chinese banks have adopted MA to deal with these conditions. Because at present our commercial bank merger is still in the early stages of the market-orientation development, the improvement of mergers and acquisitions for both banks are very limited. Therefore, it is a question we should study that MA whether can promote efficiency or not. This article first analyses the relevant concepts of bank’s merger and acquisitions. Then according to the current situation of our banking MA, we find the existing problems. With empirical studies, we make comparison with two banks before and after three years. For example, ICBC takes over the Standard bank of South Africa in 2007 and CMSB acquires with the Hai Tong securities in 2007 to elaborate the performance of the practical situation and the level and make the choice of MA and provide banks the reference of theory and the reality. Research shows that our commerc


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