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普通高等教育美术专业英语教材 (教师参考书) 美 术 英 语 文 选 Selected English Readings For Students of Fine Arts 张海云 编 译 Unit 1 Apollonian Reason, Dionysian Intuition Reading A Apollonian Reason, Dionysian Intuition Associated information: 1、文章选自The Art of Being Human Richard Janaro 2、展示数张有关Apollonian and Dionysian的作品,简介日神和酒神的故事。图片: 古希腊雕塑 《墨丘利与酒神(巴克科斯)》 普桑《酒神的抚养》 米开郎琪罗 大理石《巴克科斯》 柏丁 《巴克科斯与阿里阿徳涅》 提香 《巴克科斯与阿里阿徳涅》 普桑《阿波罗与繆斯女神》 斐路几诺《阿波罗与玛息阿》 提香《活剥玛息阿》 贝尼尼 《阿波罗与达弗涅》 提埃波罗 《阿波罗追逐达弗涅》 展示数张Henri Matisse的作品。 辅助双语视听材料BBC Human Instinct (60分钟左右), 建议在文章讲到后 半部分和结束时分两次播放。 Language points: be devoted to 把…专用与, 把…献给 to apply the term … to mean … 用…词语来解释 rebellion against 反叛, 不服从 be content with 满足于 insist on = persist in 坚持, 强调 act on hunches 凭感觉行事 have a knack for 有本事做… make a statement 陈述一件事 III. Suggestions for teaching points: 1. 用文章第3至第5个自然段重点讲解文章(说明文)段落结构, 展开方式,语言修 辞和表述风格。 如: to apply the term … to mean …(重复表述) The Apollo in us makes us organize …(我们当中)理性的人会… The Dionysus in us is what encourages …(我们当中)感性的人会… The Apollonian self (我们当中)理性的人… the Dionysian self (我们当中)感性的人会 Its opposite (重复表述), 强调两个对立的概念 makes us 或者encourages us (善用动词) 2. 用文章最后两个自然段重点讲解词汇意思的转换, 从美术专业的角度去理解某些词汇的表述 1) exert; articulate; communicate = express; describe; indicate; depict component; dimension = element; cause 3. (文章第3至第5个自然段的特点: 重复表述, 对应表述) The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844~1900) applied the term Apollonian to mean the principle of order, logic, clarity, moderation, and control in the human personality and in society. He applied the term Dionysian to mean spontaneity, passion, intuition, and excess in the human personality and rebellion against society. He chose these opposing terms because Apollo was the Greek god of the sun (hence of light and truth) and Dionysus (Roman name, Bacchus), the god of earth, spring, and renewal (hence whatever was natural and beyond rational analysis). The Apollo in us makes us organize the day, schedule activities, clean and get t


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