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中文摘要 摘 要 本文通过对两个大跨度无粘结预应力平板-异形柱(短肢剪力墙)结构整体试 件在低周反复(水平)荷载下的试验,对该结构的抗震性能、节点受力规律作了 分析和研究,提出了试件的相应的连接构造措施。 根据试验目的,本文对试验的加载装置进行了设计;对柱顶加柱跺、板角加 设斜钢筋等构造措施进行了研究;对异型柱、受弯梁、受扭梁、板等相关部位的 钢筋应变及整体试件的水平位移、支座反力等重要数据进行了测试。 同时,本文还对试验过程中试件的开裂状况及破坏形态作了较详细的描述和 分析。 试验结果表明,试验试件的滞回曲线呈饱满的梭形,试件的抗震性能较好, 各构件内钢筋没有明显的粘接滑移。 论文还对 L 形端节点的空间受力性能进行了分析,认为 L 形异型柱端节点其 受力性能和传力机理与普通矩形框架端节点有较大的区别。 最后对柱端弯矩增大系数作了初步研究,认为对带边梁的预应力平板体系中 柱子进行抗震设计时,与验算方向垂直的边梁的扭矩作用必须考虑,论文提出了 柱端弯矩增大系数的修正公式。 关键词:水平荷载,抗震性能,柱端弯矩增大系数,空间节点 Ⅰ 英文摘要 ABSTRACT Focusing on the experiment of long-span pre-stressed slab-special shaped column(short-pier shear wall) system under reversed cyclic load, this paper does research on the seismic performance of the joint, seismic performance of the structure, and the construction of the structure. According to the research aim, this paper design the loading system; research the construction means; test bar strain of the special column, bending beam, torsion beam, plate and etc, and the horizontal displacement, and the force at the bottom of the special column. Meanwhile, this paper describes the cracks and the damage form. According to the experiment result, the curve show satisfied shuttle, the specimen has good seismic performance, and each bars do not slip. And this paper also analyze the space performance of the L joint, and consider there is grate difference between the L joint and the normal joint. Finally, this paper analyze the aggrandizement of the column, and consider that the torsion of the side beam uprightness to the checking direction should be considered for the long-span pre-stressed slab-special shaped column(short-pier shear wall) system


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