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常用词汇与句型 occupy 占用 deserve 值得 is……arranged? ……安排好了吗? Thank you for reminding me of this.谢谢你的提醒 All the related documents are already put on your desk. 所有相关文件都已经放在你的桌子上了。 That’s settled. 一言为定。 常用词汇 venue 地点、场所 delegation 代表团 productive 富有成效的,有生产力的 publicity 宣传 go smooth 进展顺利 invitation card 邀请函 organizational chart 组织机构图 job description 工作岗位职责 2、会议要解决什么问题? 做出决策 协调关系(讨论会、谈判会) 宣传教育(学习会、报告会、发布会、表彰会、颁奖会、命名会) 宣布表态(宣判会、批判会、评估会、鉴定会) 施行礼仪(庆祝会、纪念会、茶话会、追悼会) 3.怎样实现会议目标? 确定目标 周密筹划 严密组织 目标宣传 * Meeting Management Doudou Bi South China University of Technology bidoudou@163.com * Chapter 3 conference preparation 会议筹备工作 * Confirming conference 确定会议 情景1 :确定时间和地点 经理:凯特,明天的会议时间安排好了吗? Kate. Is the meeting time arranged for tomorrow? 凯特:是的,经理。会议将于明天上午9点举行。 Yes, sir. The meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. 经理:很好。地点确定了吗? That’s good. What about the place? 凯特:2号会议室明天都排满了。因此我订了1号会议室。 NO.2 conference room will be occupied tomorrow. So I’ve arranged NO.1 conference room. 经理:听到这个我很高兴。你真是个好秘书。 I’m glad to hear that. you are meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m.. 凯特:谢谢你的表扬。 Thank you for your praise. 经理:你太客气了。我应该谢谢你。 You deserve it. I should thank you. * Confirming conference 确定会议 情景2-1 :确定会议议题 A:您好!请林先生听电话。 Hello, may I speak to Mr.lin, please? B:我就是。 This is Mr. lin speaking. A :下午好,林先生。我是格林先生。 Good afternoon, Mr. lin, this is Mr. Green. B :你好,格林先生。 Good afternoon, Mr. Green. A :我想尽快与您讨论你们的提议。不知道明天您是否方便? I’d like to discuss you proposal with you as soon as possible. Would tomorrow be convenient for you? B :哦,恐怕不行。后天上午9点怎么样? Oh, I am afraid not. How about 9.am the day after tomorrow. A :行,就这么定了。 Ok, that’s settled. B :好的,到时见。 Good! See you then. * Confirming conference 确定会议 情景2-2 :确定会议议题 A:早上好,林先生。 Good morning, Mr. lin. B:早上好,格林先生。 Good morning, Mr. Green. A :对于您的提议,我有些建议。我们将第一项议程和第二项议程的顺序换下,行吗?我想那样会更合理一些。 I’d like to make some proposal. Shall we exchange the order of the first agenda and the second one? I think that would be more reasonable. B :为什么你会有这个想法呢? Why do



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