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2011 1 2011 No1 Science and TechnologyM anagementResearch : 1000- 7695 ( 2011) 01- 0107- 05 EPR下电子废旧品回收物流产业链模块化研究 杨传明 (苏州科技大学全球经济发展研究所, 江苏苏州 215009) : 基于电子废旧品回收物流现状和特 , 结合模块化原理, 分析在该产业链应用模块化理论的适用性依 据参与回收过程主体的不同, 构建生产商协调下的模块化回收模式生产商联合主导模块化回收模式外包模 块化回收模式和集群模块化回收模式经数学模型和理论证明, 引入模块化理论有利于电子废旧品回收物流产 业链健康发展, 从而更好的保护环境, 创造经济效益, 产生社会效益 : 模块化; 回收物流; 产业链 : F0625 : A R esearch on the M odu lar ity of L ogis tics Indus trial Chain of the R ecovery ofW aste E lectron ic Products B ased on EPR ANG Chuanm ing (Research Institute ofGlobalEconomy, University of Science and Technology of Suzhou, Suzhou 215009, China) A bstrac t: Based on the present situation and characteristics of the logistics of the recovery ofwaste electronic products, the paper discusses the applicability ofmodular theory in the logistics industrial chain. According to the differences subjects taking part in the recovery process, we construct fourmodularmodes based on a general equilibrium analysismodel. They are: manufacturers coordination mode, manufacturers alliance and management mode, manufacturer s outsourcing mode andmanufacturers clustering mode. Proved by a general equilibrium mathematicalmodel and theory analysis, the introduction ofmodular theory can help this logistics industrial chain to reduce operating costs and market and financial risks, strengthen industrial cooperation, enhance the information exchange and thus to better protect the environment and create both econom ic and socialbenefits. K ey w ord s: modular theory; reverse logistics; industrial chain , 1


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