Misuse of Information Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.pdfVIP

Misuse of Information Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.pdf

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Florida Law R eview Volume 66 | Issue 4 Article 7 F bruary 2015 Mis se of Information Under the Computer Fraud and Ab se Act : On What Side of the Circuit Split Will the Second and Third Circuits Wind Up ? Robert D. Sowell Follow this and additional works at : http://scholarship.law.ufl. du/flr Part of th Antitrust and Trade R gulation Commons, and th Int rnational Law Commons R comm nd d Citation Rob rt D. Sow ll, Misuse of Information Under the Compu ter Fraud and Abuse Act: On What Side of the Circuit Sp lit Will the Second and Third Circuits Wind Up ?, 66 Fla. L. R v. 1747 (2015). Available at : http://scholarship.law.ufl. du/flr/vol66/iss4/7 This Case Comm nt is brought to you for fr e and op n acc ss by UF Law Scholarship R pository. It has b n acc pt d for inclusion in Florida Law R vi w by an authoriz d administrator of UF Law Scholarship R pository. For more information, pl ase contact outl r@law.ufl. du. Sowell: Misuse of Information Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: On MISUSE OF INFORMATION UNDER THE COMPUTER FRAUD AND ABUSE ACT: ON WHAT SIDE OF THE CIRCUIT SPLIT WILL THE SECOND AND THIRD CIRCUITS WIND UP? Dresser-Rand Co. v. Jones, 957 F. Supp. 2d 610 (E.D. Pa. 2013) JBCHoldings NY, LLC v. Pakter, 931 F. Supp. 2d 514 (S.D.N.Y. 2013) * Robert D. Sowell The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) has reached a breaking point. The



