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编号: 毕 业 论 文 题 目:全面质量管理在企业中的应用 ---以Y公司为例 院 (系): 成人教育学院 专 业: 工商企业管理 摘 要 全面质量管理是一种由顾客的需要和期望驱动的管理哲学,是以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社会受益而达到长期成功的管理途径。全面质量管理对企业的发展有着重要作用。当今世界科学技术发展日新月异,市场竞争日益激烈,而质量则是社会物质财富的重要内容,是社会进步和生产力发展的一个重要标志,质量不仅是经济、技术问题,而且还关系到社会经济的发展。目前,随着生产力的提高,大部分产品已处于买方市场,人们购买商品时越来越挑剔;购买商品的标准逐步从“价廉”向“物美”转变。在这种宏观环境中,企业要想长久生存,必须把握好产品质量关。 今年暑假,本人有幸作为一名质检员来到Y公司实践,对其质量管理体系有了深刻的了解。在Y公司固网成品车间质量改善的过程中,他们以全面质量管理为主,综合运用了质量改善的各种手法,其中以QC七大手法中的排列图和因果图为主,利用质量改进的原则,通过绘制排列图和因果图,结合现场记录的有效参数,根据电话机装配中出现的问题,制订了新的合理的改善方案,并对此方案进行分析评价,达到了提高产品整体质量,提高生产率,降低成本的目的,避免返工现象,使生产效益大大增加,废品得到及时回收利用。Abstract Total quality management is a kind of driven by customer needs and expectations of management philosophy, based on quality as the center, on the basis of full participation, the purpose is to through to customer satisfaction and all members of the organization and the management way of social benefit and achieve long-term success. Total quality management plays an important role on the development of enterprises. In todays world of science and technology development changes with each passing day, the market increasingly competitive, and quality is an important content of social material wealth, is an important symbol of social progress and the development of productivity, quality is not only an economic, technical problems, but also related to social and economic development. At present, with the improvement of productivity, most of the products have been in a buyers market, people buy goods more and more picky; Purchase standard gradually shift from cheap to good. In this kind of macro environment, enterprise want to survive for a long time, must grasp the good product quality. As product quality inspection does not come out, but to produce so to speak, only do the each link of quality management of commodity production, to ensure product quality inspection. This summer vacation, I had the privilege of



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