
5月9日 口译.ppt

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5月9日 口译.ppt

Words Checking 中国青年旅行社 景点 名胜 文物 建筑群 历史名城 世界文化与自然遗产 海内外游客 中国国家旅游局 Assignment checking 1.旅游业已经成为欠发达国家出口创汇的重要途径,和吸引外国直接投资的主要产业。 欠发达国家 (under-developed countries) ≠developing countries ≠undeveloped countries 出口创汇≈出口并赚取外汇 (export sth. to earn foreign currencies) ≈to earn foreign currencies (旅游业狭义上不算是可以出口的商品) 2.我们这次旅游的目的地是举世闻名的大熊猫故乡,列入世界自然遗产的九寨沟自然保护区。 大熊猫的故乡≈大熊猫分布的地区 (the natural range of the giant pandas)≈大熊猫的栖息地 (the habitat of the giant pandas) ≈the hometown of pandas 3.迷人的苏州园林在有限的空间里造就了无数自然景观,是中国南方园林建筑艺术之典范。 自然景观 landscape scenes 园林艺术 garden architecture. 4. 园林里的池塘、河水、石头、花朵、树木给游客带来了如诗般的意境,是赴苏州观光客的必游之地。 必游之地 (a must) ≈a must-see ≈a place that every tourist must visit 意境 (mood)≈氛围 (atmosphere) 5.现在,中国已经成为亚洲主要的旅游胜地,入境游客数量位居世界第六。国内旅游也蓬勃发展。 入境游客数量 (the number of arrivals) ≈the number of tourists from abroad ≈the number of foreign visitors 蓬勃发展 (growing vigorously)≈飞速发展 (growing rapidly/dramatically)≈兴旺、兴隆 (thrive, boom, flourish) 6.工业历史博物馆于1978年正式开馆,经过精挑细选的每件展品都代表了不同历史时代的工业技术水平。 工业历史博物馆 (The Museum of Industrial History) 精挑细选的 (well-chosen)≈is carefully chosen≈well-selected 展品 (exhibits) 7. 1997年12月3日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会一致通过将丽江古城列入《世界遗产名录》。 一致通过≈to arrive at a unanimous approval ≈to unanimously approve ≈to reach a consensus 8. Located on a 12 acre island, the Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. a universal symbol ≈a global symbol (全球范围的象征)≈a general symbol (公认的象征) ≠宇宙的象征 9. European campgrounds are highly developed. Most include showers with hot water, electricity, dish-washer, a central bar and a general store area, where many campers gather each night. campgrounds 露营地 10. With mountains to the east and deserts to the south, California has the best of all worlds. You can snow-ski in mountains, and then drive less then two hours to be in soaring high temperatures all in the same day. the best of all worl


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