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Cultural issues in C-E translation --Strategies and methods(2) 不能文化存真的情况 但是,当以上方法难以为译入语接受,或者极大的影响阅读的速度、文本的整体性时,则不能“文化存真”,需要做变革处理。 1. 芳芳牌口红(“Fangfang”: ①a long, sharp tooth of a dog;②a snake,s poison-tooth①狗的长牙;②蛇的毒牙) 2. 喜鹊牌收音机 (magpie: garrulous) 3. 鸳鸯 (mandarin duck); (turtle-dove) 4. 像牛一样工作 (work like a horse) 5. 吃醋 (vinegary)( jealous) 6. 老乡 (fellow-villager) 在不同文化中的隐喻意义 (1) 红(喜庆)一—red(暴力) (2) 白(丧服)——white(婚妙) (3) 蓝(蓝色)——blue(清高,忧郁,淫秽) (4) 黄(王权,淫秽)——yellow(怯懦) (5) 牧童(悠闲) ——cowboy(冒险) (6) 农民(忠厚朴实)——Peasant(心胸狭窄) (7) 狗(鄙视)——dog(同情) (8) 龙(高贵)——dragon(凶恶) (9) 月亮(团圆)——moon(虚幻) cry for the moon 想做不可能的事情;想得到不可能得到的东西 (10) 宣传(中性词)一—propaganda(贬义词) (12) 喜鹊(善言,吉祥)——magpie(喋喋不休) (13) 猫头鹰(凶兆)——owl(聪明) (15) 精神文明(政治)——spiritual civilization(宗教) (16) 芭蕉叶(“扇子”)——leaf of a palm(棕榈,芭蕉,象征胜利) 三个人品字式坐了,随便谈了几句。 The three sat down facing each other and began casually chatting. ——我只会马走日、象走田。 ——让你车马炮。 -I only know the most basic moves. -Would you like me to allow you a handicap? You have to mind your p’s and q’s. 你得非常小心。 我姓李,木子李。 My surname is Li. 这是我们领导,陈科长。 This is Mr. Chen, our section chief. 他砸了我的饭碗。 He has taken the bread out of my mouth. He has claimed my job. (formal) 瞎子死了儿——没指(子)望了 hopeless; lose all one’s hope 农民工 migrant workers 外甥打灯笼——照旧(照舅)get into the old rut 气管炎(妻管严)——hen-pecked “您辛苦了!” “welcome to our university!” or “Did you have a happy journey?” “您吃了吗?” “Hi!” or “Hello!” 听他这么说,董斯文就咬起手指,腮帮子鼓得好似脸上结了两个五爪苹果,每当要说什么严肃的,他就这模样,而且还必须用卩ㄟㄠ和ㄡㄣㄙ泾渭分明的国语!( 王祯和《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》) This outburst had sent Dong Siwen into a fit of fingernail chewing; his cheeks puffed out as if he had stuffed apples into his mouth. He always did that before saying something momentous, words that must be artictulated in perfect dot-the-is -and-cross-the-ts Mandarin. (葛浩文) 陈阵笑得前仰后合,每当小狼发出“慌慌”的声音,他就故意接着喊“张张”,营盘战场出现了“慌慌、张张”极不和谐的怪声。小狼可能意识到人和狗都在嘲笑它,它于是它叫得越发慌慌张张了。(姜戎《狼图腾》) Every time he went orf orf, Chen answered with an arf arf, and before long the camp was awash in a battle of strange , unharmonious sound:


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