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第三章 分类部分 Classification parts 本章作业重点 1.分类阶元 2.物种的概念 3.学名 4.分类系统 5.主要目,科介绍 6.实验观察特征与分类 7.螨类与昆虫的区别 8.重点科的区别 第一节 分类基础 重点 1.分类阶元:昆虫纲-目-科-属-种 2.理解物种的概念:P59 3.学名:例如,Gastropacha populifolia Esper 属名 种名 定名人 4.分类系统:各学派不同。常见30-34目。分目的依据: (1)口器类型? (2) 翅的质地和类型 (3) 变态类型? (4) 生物学习性 5.与农林生产关系较大的10个目 7.螨类与昆虫的区别 8.重点科的区别 Classification parts 本章重点:Classifying and naming Insects 1.分类classification There are about a million kinds of described animals in the world, and their study calls for some plan of dividing them into groups. Zoologists classify animals chiefly on the basis of structure: those with certain srtuctures in common are placed in one group and those with other structures are put in other groups. These groups are divided and subdivided. The result is a system of categories, each with certain stuctural features in common, and a name. The animal kingdom is divided into a number of major groups called phyla(singular, phylum); each phylum is divided into classes, each class into orders, each order into families, each family into genera(singular, genus), and each genus into species. In many larger groups there are additional categories, such as subclasses, suborders, superfamilies, subfamilies, and tribes. 2.物种specie The species is the basic category; it is a kind of animal. That is, it consists of individuals fundamentally similar in structure which interbreed to produce offspring but do not ordinarily interbreed with other groups. Sometimes species are divided into subspecies. Subspecies are generally geographic races that differ from one another only slightly and are capable of interbreeding. 3.命名naming Classification parts 3.学名scientific name与命名naming 命名法Nomenclature: Animals have 2 types of namesscientific and common. Scientific names are the names used by scientists; they are used throughout the world, and every animal or group has one. Common names are vernacular names. They are less precise t


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