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浙江天源资产评估有 限公司是经 国家财政部和 中国证监会批准 的具有从事证券 、期货相关业务资产评估资格 的大型
评估机构,位列全 国50强,在浙江省名列前三强,入选为 中央大型 国有企业 、浙江省 国有资产管理委员会 、杭州市
国有资产管理委员会及其他地市 国资委 的国有资产评估机构库成员, 同时具有浙江省高级人 民法 院和杭州市 中级人
民法 院的司法鉴定(评估)资格,还取得 了经浙江省建设厅批准 的房地产价格评估资格,是一家具有规模和实力 、
综合和专业兼备 的价值评估与咨询服务提供商 。
天源秉承 “正直远见 、专注 品质 、 团队协作 ”的企 业文化和执业理念, 凭借坚实 的专业理论研 究和实务 经验 为基
础,辅 以严格 的质量控制体系,借助涵盖项 目全过程管理与公司综合管理一体化,具有强大优势和先进性 的信息化
网络流程,为各类客户提供 了最优质和超值 的服务,赢得了客户和各级监管部 门的充分信任 。
Z hej iang Tiany uan A ppraisal Co ., Ltd . is a large-scale appraisal inst it ut ion approved by t he Minist ry of
Finance and China Securit ies Regulatory Commission, qualif ied for prov iding valuat ion serv ice related to
securit ies and f ut ures business.Z hej iang Tiany uan is one of t he top t hree appraisal inst it ut ions in Z hej iang
Prov ince , and t he top f ifty in China . It has been selected into t he recommendat ion list of appraisal
inst it ut ions by t he State-ow ned Assets Superv ision and Administ rat ion Commission of Z hej iang Prov ince and
t hat of Hangz hou and ot her Cit ies for years . A lso , it is qualif ied for j udicial appraisal ent rusted by Z hej iang
Supreme Peoples Court and Hangz hou Intermediate Peoples Court , as well as real estate appraisal
ent rusted by Z hej iang Const ruct ion Bureau. W it h its large scope and st rengt h, Z hej iang Tiany uan is a
comprehensive and professional valuat ion and consult ing serv ice prov ider.
Z hej iang Tiany uan upholds corporate cult ure and pract ice principle of honesty, quality, and teamwork . It has
gained t rust f rom clients as well as regulatory aut horit ies by prov iding high quality valuat ion serv ice based on
solid foundat ion of t heory st udy and pract ical ex perience and st rict quality cont rol system, as well as t he
integrat ion of proj ect overall management and enterprise comprehensive management combined w it h
advanced informat ion networ
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