创新大学英语视听说教程 第一册 视听说1_U1_Part 2 Part 3.ppt

创新大学英语视听说教程 第一册 视听说1_U1_Part 2 Part 3.ppt

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Conversation 2 It was nice meeting you. Great seeing you. It was nice having met you. Why don’t we get together later on? We should hang out later. How about getting together later? All right, man. Why not? OK, buddy. Conversation 2 D2. Memorize all the expressions above. Then make a new conversation with your partner by using any of the expressions. You don’t have to repeat all the details in the original conversation. E. Pair work: Work with your partner and create your own conversation by referring to the map. Conversation 2 E. Pair work: Work with your partner and create your own conversation by referring to the map. Conversation 2 Possible steps for the conversation: 1. Greet your partner. Ask what he/she is majoring in. 2. Ask your partner whether he/she likes his/her major. 3. Ask your partner how to get to the library. 4. Say good-bye. Conversation 3 quiz n. 小测验 an informal test skip v. 跳过;略过 not to do sth. you usually do independent adj. 独立的 not depending on others Word Tips Conversation 3 A. Put the conversation in order by matching the sentences in Column A with those in Column B. Listen and check your answer. Conversation 3 B. Pair work: Listen to the conversation again, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs. Conversation 3 C. Group work: Work in groups and brainstorm answers to the questions. 1. What are the differences between university and middle school? Suggested Expressions: The university is more/less … than the middle school. At university, students have much more free time… 2. How can you manage your time? Suggested Expressions: I make a schedule every week and follow it. Taking part in various activities may be a good choice. Part 3 Focus Listening Word Tips-Passage 1 yell v. 大叫 to cry; to shout tape v. 用胶带粘 to stick something onto something else using tape Word Tips Word Tips-Passage 2 Cambridge (地名)剑桥 a relatively old American city and the


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