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肉食品行业冷链物流运作模式研究 摘 要 随着我国人民生活水平的提高,人们对肉食品的需求也随之增加。我国是世界上最大的肉食品生产国和消费国,我国有肉类食品厂3000多家,年产肉类700多万吨,且产量以每年6%的速度递增。由此看来,我国对冷冻冷藏食品的需求也越来越大,而冷链物流就是其中的重要环节之一。目前冷链物流的发展在我国仍处于起步阶段,冷链物流模式的选择是企业在发展过程中面临的一项重要决策。 本文的研究思路是:首先对冷链物流相关概念进行研究总结,结合我国肉制品行业发展现状及其存在问题;然后以双汇冷链物流为例,分析双汇冷链物流的运作模式。简要介绍其它类型的运作模式,提出适合肉食品企业发展冷链物流的模式,最后做出总结。 关键词:冷链物流 肉食品 运作模式 Title Research on Cold-chain logistics Operation Mode of Meat Products Abstract Along with our country peoples living standards improve, people also will increase demand for meat. China is the worlds largest meat producer and consumer, there are more than 3000 meat food factory in China, an annual output of 700 tons of meat, and the yield increasing at an annual rate of 6%. It seems that the rightness of refrigerated food demand in China is becoming more and more big, the cold chain logistics is one of the important link. At present, the development of the cold chain logistics in our country is still in its infancy stage, cold-chain logistics mode choice is an important decision of the enterprise in the process of development . The research idea of this paper is: first, summarize research on related concepts of cold-chain logistics, combined with Chinas meat industry development present situation and problems; Then to Shuang hui cold-chain logistics as an example, analysis the product of cold chain logistics operation mode. Brief introduction to the other types of operation mode, and put forward suitable for meat food cold chain logistics enterprise development pattern, finally make a summary. Keywords : cold-chain logistics Meat products Operation mode 目录 1引言 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2研究目的和意义 1 2 冷链物流概述 3 2.1冷链物流 3 2.1.1冷链物流的概念 3 2.1.2冷链物流的特点 3 2.1.3冷链物流的适用范围 5 2.2 肉类行业冷链物流发展状况 5 2.2.1肉类冷加工及冷链物流基础设施不足 6 2.2.2肉类冷链流通比例偏低 6 2.2.3第三方肉类冷链物流企业发展滞后 6 2.2.4肉类冷链缺乏上下游的整体规划和整合 7 2.2.5肉类冷链物流的相关政策法规不健全 7 3 肉类行业冷链物流运作模式 8 3.1连锁经营企业主导的自营冷链物流运作模式 8 3.2以批发市场主导的自营冷链物流运作模式 8 3.3加工企业主导的自营冷链物流运作模式 9 3.4“3PL”(第三方物流) 型冷链物流运作模式 10 4 双汇冷链物流运作模式介绍 12 4.1双汇冷链物流公司简介 12 4.


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