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毕 业 设 计 西安市中央公园8#住宅楼工程项目 招标控制价文件 系 别: 建筑与土工程学院 专业名称: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师姓名、职称: 完成日期 2015 年 5 月 21 日 西安市中央公园8#住宅楼工程项目 招标控制价—文件 摘 要 招标控制价是招标人根据国家或省级、行业建设主管部门颁发的有关计价依据和办法,按设计施工图纸计算的,对招标工程限定的最高工程造价。编制招标控制价不仅对控制工程造价有重要作用,而且能够防止投标人围标、联合哄抬投标报价,避免给招标人造成损失。本毕业设计以西安市中央公园8#住宅楼6909156.77元。 关键词:招标控制价;工程量清单; Xi ’an Central Park8 # Residential Building Construction Project Tender Price Control DOCUMENT Abstract Bidding control valence is a tenderer may, in accordance with national or provincial and industry construction issued by the competent department in charge of the relevant valuation basis and method, according to the design and construction drawings, the maximum limit on a bidding project construction cost. Prepare the bidding price control is not only an important role to control the project cost, but also can prevent the circumference and joint bid up the bid quotation, avoid losses to the tenderer. This graduation design Xi an central park8 # residential building project as the object, in the familiar with the engineering design and construction drawings, specifications, manuals, standard atlas methods and engineering practice, on the basis of bill of quantities valuation method prepared its engineering price control. First lists the engineering bill of quantities and to calculate the quantities of each partial second, according to rules of the quantities bill valuation, calculate each partial engineering and related engineering fees, and summary of engineering control price of 6909156.77 yuan. Keywords: The bidding price control; Bill of quantities. 目 录 第一章 工程概况 1 1.1工程简介 1 1.1.1 建筑结构特征 1 1.1.2 施工条件 1 1.2工程范围 1 第二章工程量清单 2 2.1 编制依据 2 2.2工程量清单………………………………………………………………………...2 2.2.1 分部分项工程量清单 2 2.2.2 措施项目清单 15 2.2.3其他项目清单表 16 2.2.4规费、税金项目清单表 16 第三章 工程量清单计价 17 3.1招标控制价 17 3.2 单位工程造价汇总表 18 3.2.1 分部分项工程量清单计价表 18 3.2.2 措施费项目清单计价表 32 3.2.3 其他项目清单计价表 33 3.2.4 规费、税金项目清单计价表 33 3.3 分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表 34 3.4 措施项目费(综合单价)分析表 58 3.5


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