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5 2 V o.l 5 . 2 2010 4 CAA I T ransactions on Inte lligent System s Apr. 20 10 do:i 10. 3969 .j issn. 167 34785. 2010. 02. 0 10 6R 1 2 1 1 1 王立权 , 刘秉昊 , 吴健荣 , 韩金华 , 卢正宇 ( 1. 哈尔滨工程大学 机电工程学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001; 2. 哈尔滨工程大学 自动化学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 15000 1) : , 6R . , , . , , . 2, . VC+ + OpenGL , . , , . M OTOM ANU P6 PUM A560 . : ; ; : TP241 : A : 20 10) Modeling and implementing the inverse kinematics of a six revolute joint robot 1 2 1 1 1 W ANG L iquan , L IU B inghao , W U J ianrong , H an j inhua , LU Zh engyu ( 1. Co llege o f M echan ical and E lectr ica l Eng ineering, H arbin Eng ineering U niversity, H arb in 150001, China) Abstract: T o prog ram a new m ult irobo t system, inverse k inem a tic equations for a six revo lute jo int ( 6R ) robot w ere developed. T he ir a lgebra ic so lut ions w ere then derived. Condit ions cau sing there to be no so lution, ex traneou s roots, orm ultiple so lu tions for inverse k inem atic equat ions w ere studied for equations u sed in the practical contro l of a system. Com pared w ith traditional m ethods, th ism ethod is m ore su itable for a m ultirobo t system in w hich w ork ing too ls are frequently replaced. A s on ly tw o inverse m atricesw ere involved, the m ethod w as smi ple and easy. In order to ver ify the effectiveness of the m ethod, it w as com piled using V C++ and OpenGL softw are. A fter selecting a spec ific posit ion as an exam ple, w e proved the co rrectness of the a lgorithm by com paring its resu lts to those from geom etric analysis. The research is app licable to other robot system s w ith smi ilar m echa


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