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第26 卷 第5 期 工 程 管 理 学 报 Vol. 26 No. 5 2012 年 10 月 Journal of Engineering Management Oct. 2012 DBO 合同及其风险分担研究 —— 以城市水务项目为例 程 立,袁竞峰,张亚静,李启明 (东南大学建设与房地产研究所,江苏 南京 210096 ,E-mail :charmingcheng0910@163.com ) 摘 要:DBO 模式是一种新型工程项目采购模式,传统项目采购模式相比,其在项目融资和激励私营方提高运营绩效方面 具有十分明显的优势。因此近年来在国内外基础设施领域,尤其在交通和城市水务领域得到了广泛应用。FIDIC 于2008 年 颁布了《DBO 合同(正式版)》,以适应DBO 模式的迅猛发展,促进其规范化应用。文章对DBO 模式及其合同结构进行了 初步探讨,以城市水务项目为例,通过与常见的BOT 模式对比,研究了 DBO 合同风险分担及其优势。并结合案例介绍了 DBO 模式的应用,指出其在我国城市水务发展转型期将有广阔的应用前景。 关键词:DBO 模式;DBO 合同;风险分担;城市水务项目 中图分类号:TU723.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-8859 (2012 )05-038-06 A Study on DBO Contract and Its Risk Allocation : The City Water Projects Case CHENG Li ,YUAN Jing-feng ,ZHANG Ya-jing ,LI Qi-ming (The Research Institution of Construction Management and Real Estate ,Southeast University ,Nanjing 210096 ,China , E-mail :charmingcheng0910@163.com ) Abstract :DBO (Design-Build-Operate )mode is a new project procurement pattern. Compared with the traditional project procurement modes ,it has obvious advantages in project financing and incentives for private parties to improve operational performance. Thus it is widely applied in infrastructure field all over the world ,especially in the transportation and city water fields. To adapt to the rapid development of the DBO model and promote its standardized application ,FIDIC issued the formal edition of DBO contract in 2008. This article preliminarily discusses DBO mode and the structure of DBO contract. With the city water projects as the examples and comparison with the BOT mode ,the risk allocation of DBO mode


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