Solar System in 3D - Texas A M University-Commerce.ppt

Solar System in 3D - Texas A M University-Commerce.ppt

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Solar System in 3D - Texas A M University-Commerce

21. Surface of the Moon — Rover ?Hadley Rille, MoonThe Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), shown in this 3-D Apollo 15 view, was a battery-powered buggy driven by astronauts during the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. The rover permitted astronauts to venture greater distances from the Lunar Module because of its speed and ability to navigate the lunar surface. The maximum speed of the LRV was about 13 kilometers per hour, but for safety reasons, the cruise speed was limited to 6–7 kilometers per hour. The total traverse distance of the Apollo 15 LRV was 28 kilometers. The rover was equipped with a high-gain antenna (the metallic umbrella seen on the left) for communications between the astronauts and Mission Control in Houston, a television camera (the box in front of the high-gain antenna), and a low-gain antenna (the aerial antenna located between the seats). The wheels were constructed of flexible woven piano wire. Titanium treads helped provide traction on the lunar surface. Apollo 15 landed at the foot of the Apennine Mountains in July 1971.Apollo 15 images AS15-88-11901 and AS15-88-11902. * 22. Surface of the Moon — Soil Close-Up ?Fra Mauro Highlands, MoonThis high-resolution 3-D view of the lunar soil is one of several obtained using a close-up stereoscopic camera placed at different locations by the Apollo 14 astronauts during their moonwalks. A “raindrop” pattern can be seen in this close-up image of undisturbed lunar soil. The raindrop patterns noticed by the astronauts are small pits formed by the continual impact of micrometeorites (smaller than 1 millimeter) into the lunar soil. Rock samples brought back from the Moon have impact pits as small as a few millimeters across. Apollo 14 landed in the Fra Mauro highlands in February 1971.Apollo 14 image AS14-77-10370.?Vertical Exaggeration: 2× normal ?Image Width: 82 millimeters * 23. Apollinaris Patera ?Elysium Planitia, MarsApollinaris Patera, Mars, is a complex shield volcano 180 × 280 kilometers across and 5 kilo


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