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摘  要  摘 要 名称问题在语言哲学中具有重要的地位。名称理论大体可以分为两派:描述理论和 历史因果理论。描述理论以弗雷格、罗素为代表,认为一切名称都有涵义,其涵义就是 与该对象相关的摹状词。名称与现实的联系是通过一个或一组摹状词建立起来的,这是 一种间接的联系。历史因果理论的代表人物是克里普克和普特南,认为一切名称都只是 纯粹的指示词,没有涵义,只有指称。名称的所指是通过历史因果链条确定下来的。这 种指称不通过任何描述或摹状作为中介,名称和现实之间是一种直接的联系。 名称描述理论和历史因果理论各有其合理之处,也存在不足。描述理论从认识主体 出发研究专名,认为专名的涵义与一组摹状词相联系,但忽略了专名的社会功能。历史 因果理论重视社会因素对语言的影响,强调历史因果链条对名称指称的作用,但是忽略 了名称在历史因果链条的传递过程中所获得的不可缺少的意义。比较两种名称理论,结 合其各自优点并将二者融合,对深入理解语言与现实的关系,正确解决名称意义问题, 都具有重要意义。 关键词:专名 通名 摹状词 意义 I   Abstract Abstract Theory of Name plays an important role in Philosophy of language. The theory of names divides into two schools: Description theory and Causal-historical Theory. The representative figures of Description Theory are Frege, Russell and so on. They thought that all names have meanings which equal the descriptions related to the same object. The relation between name and reality is set up by a group of descriptions. And this relation is indirect. The representative figures of Causal-historical Theory are Kripke and Putnam. They thought that all names are pure indicating names. They have no meaning but reference which is defined by a historical chain. This reference needs no medium. The relation between name and reality is a direct one. The Description Theory and Causal-historical Theory both have the reasonable aspects and the disadvantages. Description Theory researches the name from the view of the cognitive subject. It thought the meaning of a name refers to a group of descriptions but ignore the social functions of a name. Causal-historical Theory has noticed that the influence of social factor to the language and the effect of Causal-historical chain to the reference of prope


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