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芜湖职业技术学院 毕 业 论 文 题 目 超市管理系统 院系名称: 芜湖职业技术学院 专业班级: 08网络 学生姓名: 胡晶晶 学 号: 指导教师: 吕强 2011 年 4 月 2 日 摘 要 鉴于超市管理中存在的诸多问题, 我们在此次课程设计中以超市管理系统为研究课题,对此系统进行了全面的设计。 本系统涵盖了超市进销存管理的主要业务,能够为管理层和员工提供快速、准确的数据。根据用户的需求,该系统分为以下几个模块,供应商信息管理,客户信息管理模块,库存管理模块,销售信息管理模块,系统用户管理模块等,用户可对信息进行保存、更新、查询、修改、删除和添加等操作。同时,本系统有助于提高贸易公司信息管理的规范化和专业化程度。 根据系统所需功能,决定以J2EE为开发平台,采用SQL Server 2000做后台数据库,Tomcat作为系统服务器,选择功能强大的MyEclipse为开发工具进行开发。前台页面使用JSP,并且使用了基于MVC机制的Struts技术。实践证明:该系统经济、实用,具有良好的拓展性、稳定性、安全性、可靠性。 关键字:超市 管理 JSP Abstract In view of the supermarket management exists many problems in the course design, we in the supermarket management system as the research subject, this system, the overall design. This system includes in all businesses of trade company goods management and provides accurate date for managers and staffs. According to the needs of users, this system is divided into these following modules, the suppliers management module, the customer management module, the warehouse management module, sales information management, system users information management, and users can save, update, query, modify, delete and add information. At the same time, the system helps to the standardization and specialization of trade company information management. On the base of the function need, the exploitation platform adopts Windows 2000 server, Background database users SQL Server 2000 and by way of MyEclipse to builder. In the technology, the forward I use JSP and use Struts frame that is at the base of the MVC. Practice proves that this system is economical and practical and has good expansibility, stability, security and reliability. Key words: supermarket management jsp 目 录 第一章 引言………………………………………………………………………4 1.1 选题背景………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 1.3 课题意义…………………………………


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