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鸡肉瘤病毒基因组结构图 因此,病毒癌基因(v-onc)就是指一类存在于肿瘤病毒中,能使宿主细胞发生恶性转化的基因。 二、细胞癌基因 细胞癌基因(c-onc)又称为原癌基因(proto-oncogene),存在于细胞基因组中、正常情况下处于静止或低水平(限制性)表达状态,对维持细胞正常功能具有重要作用,当受到致癌因素作用被活化而导致细胞恶变的基因。 细胞癌基因的特点: 指来源于病毒等的启动子或增强子插入到细胞癌基因的附近或内部而使其开放并异常转录。 如鸡白细胞增生病毒引起的淋巴瘤,就是由于病毒的DNA序列整合到宿主细胞c-myc基因附近,成为该基因的强启动子,导致c-myc基因过强表达。 c-myc原癌基因的插入激活 即基因数量或拷贝数目明显增加。 常见的为myc原癌基因,由于其基因数目的增多而使其表达的蛋白产物增多。 由于染色体重排而导致细胞癌基因从正常位置转移到另一位置,常常是插入一启动子后而使其转录活性增加。 Burkitt淋巴瘤中,含有c-myc的8号染色体易位,与14号染色体连接,靠近免疫球蛋白肽链的基因,与该区活性很高的启动子连接而受到活化。 c-abl原癌基因,经重排后插入到另一称为bcr基因的启动子之后,而使其转录活性增加,从而引起慢性粒细胞性白血病的发生。 Rb基因的表达产物为P105Rb,在细胞内存在低磷酸化型(活性型)和高磷酸化型(非活性型)两种类型。 不同类型的P105Rb对转录因子E2F有不同的亲和力。 The seven types of proteins that participate in controlling cell growth growth factors (I) growth factor receptors (II) signal-transduction proteins (III) transcription factors (IV) pro- or anti-apoptotic proteins (V) cell cycle control proteins (VI) DNA repair proteins (VII) Class VII mutations greatly increase the probability of mutations in the other classes. Virus-encoded proteins that activate growth-factor receptors (Ia) also can induce cancer. 19. Which is oncogene expression product? A GTP binding proteins B DNA binding proteins C tyrosine protein kinase D growth factors E cytoskeletal proteins 20. The activation ways of proto-oncogene are A point mutation B gene translocation C gene amplification D protein phosphorylation E obtaining promoter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ? A small proportion of breast cancer is heritable. Two genes are associated with predisposition to breast cancer. – BRCA1 on chromosome 17 – BRCA2 on chromosome 13 ? Normal function of both is in repair of ds DNA breaks. Breast Cancer Tumor Suppressors Tumor suppressor genes – inhibit oncogenes – suppress proliferation – Induce cell death – repair DNA – prevent mutation ? These are “loss of function” or recessive mutations. ? Responsible for hereditary forms of cancer ? Being heterozygous enhances the probability of cancer but thi


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