THE WORLD PEACE DIET.和平饮食_CHAPTER ONE.第1章_FOOD’S POWER.食物的力量_第8节.I-Thou vs. I-It.「我-你」和「我-它」的关系.doc

THE WORLD PEACE DIET.和平饮食_CHAPTER ONE.第1章_FOOD’S POWER.食物的力量_第8节.I-Thou vs. I-It.「我-你」和「我-它」的关系.doc

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THE WORLD PEACE DIET.和平饮食_CHAPTER ONE.第1章_FOOD’S POWER.食物的力量_第8节.I-Thou vs. I-It.「我-你」和「我-它」的关系.doc

《和平饮食》 -The World Peace Diet- Dr. Will Tuttle CHAPTER ONE 第1章 FOOD’S POWER 食物的力量 “The world is his who can see through its pretensions. What deafness, what stone-blind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by sufferance — your sufferance. See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it a mortal blow.” — Emerson 「世界属于那些能够看穿它的借口的人。你看:多么聋,多么盲目的习俗,多离谱的错误,竟被默许存在——你的默许。看透它是谎言,你就已经给了它致命的一击。」 —— 爱默生 “The most violent weapon on earth is the table fork.” — Mahatma Gandhi 「世上最残忍的武器,就是餐桌上的叉子。」 —— 甘地 第8节 I-Thou vs. I-It 「我 — 你」和「我 — 它」的关系 In the 1920s, the philosopher Martin Buber introduced and articulated an essential distinction in our relations with others and in our consequent sense of self that is increasingly recognized for its importance. Proposing that not develop our sense of “I” in isolation, but rather through relationship with others, he went on to say that when we relate to others as being conscious, and as having feelings, experiences, desires, and purposes, we develop an “I-thou” sense of self. When we relate to others as objects, as having no significant desires, purposes, or consciousness of their own, we develop an “I-It” sense of ourselves. Cultivating an “I-Thou” sense of self, we cultivate respect and sensitivity towards others and ourselves. Cultivating an I-It sense of self, we tend to relate to others as instruments to be used. This I-It sense of self leads to an increasingly deadened and depersonalized view of nature, animals, and other people, and to an inner hardening that shields us from feeling the pain of whomever and whatever we are using, consuming, and exploiting. 一九二○年代的哲学家马丁布伯(Martin Buber),详细说明了「人我关系不同」因而产生的「自我认知不同」的理论,他的理论现在愈来愈受重视。他说假如我们没有发展单独的「我」的感觉,而是透过与别人的关系,产生意识、感情、经验、欲望或目的,我们发展的是一种「我 — 你」的自我认知;当我们把别人当成不有自己显著欲望、目的或意识的物体,我们发展的是一种「我 — 它」的自我认知;而若我们培养「我 — 你」的自我认知,培养的是如何对彼此尊重,继而清楚感受彼此的感受;但如果我们培养「我 — 他」的自我认知,我们很容易把他人当成工具使用。这种「我 — 它」的自我认知,导致我们对大自然、动物和其他人采取一种麻木的、没有人性的态度,使我们内心变得冷酷,对于我们使用、消费、剥削的人或物的痛苦,毫无感觉。 According to Bu


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