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以太网交换与桥接 MAC 地址表 地址学习 地址学习 转发帧 转发帧(续) 转发帧(续) 转发帧(续) 地址学习 (续.) 过滤帧 过滤帧 (续.) 转发帧(续)——广播和组播 多个交换机构成的网络 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 多个交换机构成的网络(续) 交换机 交换机与网桥的关系 初始化一个Catalyst交换机 Catalyst 2950 交换机LED指示器 端口LEDs在交换机自检是的状态 1. 在启动时, 所有的LEDs是绿色的. 2. 每个LED关闭直到检测完成之后. 3. 如果检测没有通过, 那么LED 变成琥珀色. 4.如果任何一个端口检查失败,系统LED变成琥珀色. 5. 如果没有检查失败, POST过程完成. 6. POST检查完成后, LEDs闪烁, 然后熄灭. Catalyst 2950初始化时的输出 登陆到交换机并输入Enable密码 交换机命令行帮助功能 配置交换机的标识符 查看交换机的一些初始化配置 使用交换机show version命令 使用交换机show interfaces命令 Purpose: This slide describes logging in the Catalyst 1900 switch. Emphasize: Earlier you presented an introduction to the two primary EXEC modes with the slides on Cisco IOS user interface fundamentals. Now teach your students about the specifics of the user mode and privileged mode on the Catalyst switch. Note: The default prompt on the Catalyst 1900 switch is “>” and “#”, without the word “switch” in front of the prompt. Transition: An overview of the three major types of switch command-line help facilities. Purpose: This slide describes the Help facilities on the Catalyst 1900 switch. Emphasize: After showing how to log in to the Catalyst 1900 Cisco IOS CLI and enabled EXEC privileged mode, use this slide to present the three main types of command-line help available. This list is similar to, but not as extensive as the types of command-line help on the router that you present later with a similar slide. If at this point you can demonstrate what you are presenting, so much the better. The help on the switch is very similar to the help on the router, so the details are only presented once, in the router section. Purpose: This slide describes the configuration modes on the Catalyst 1900 switch. Emphasize: The Catalyst 1900 Cisco IOS CLI has global and specific configuration modes like the router Cisco IOS CLI. Purpose: This slide describes configuring the host name on the Catalyst 1900 switch. Emphasize: To make configuring


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