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words and expressions words and expressions words and expressions words and expressions words and expressions INTRODUCTION TO ACUPOINTS What is acupoints? Acupoints are the specific sites through which the qi of the zang-fu organs and meridians is transported to the body surface. The Chinese characters 腧穴 for an acupoint mean respectively transportation and hole. 腧穴是人体脏腑经络之气输注于体表的特殊部位。腧穴包括腧、穴,有转输、输注的含义,穴,即孔隙的意思。 What is acupoints? In the medical literature of the past dynasties, acupoints, the sites where acupuncture treatment is applied, have other terms such as qi point and aperture. Acupoints are not only the pathways for the circulation of qi and blood, but also the loci(locuspl.) of response to diseases. 在历代的医学文献中,腧穴就是针刺施治的点;还将其称之为“孔穴”、“穴道”、“气点”,人体的腧穴既是疾病的反应点,又是针灸的施术部位。 The theory of acupoints In acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, proper techniques are applied on the acupoints to regulate the functional activities of the body, strengthen body resistence so as to prevent and treat diseases. Medical practitioners of past ages have left plentiful recordings describing the locations and indications of acupoints, formulating a systematical theory. 在针灸治疗中,在穴位上施以适当的方法,调节人体的功能活动,增强抵抗能力防治疾病,前世医家对穴位的定位和主治做了大量的描述,留下了丰富的历史记录,形成了系统的理论。 CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE OF ACUPOINTS Classification of Acupoints There are numerous acupoints distributed over the human body. A great deal of work has been accomplished by medical workers in the past to generalize and systematize acupoints, which have been classified either by meridians or by body parts. Generally speaking, acupoints fall into the following three categories in terms of their evolution. 人体周身分布着许多穴位,医疗工作者过去为总结和归纳穴位做了大量工作,这些穴位主要依据是否循经来分类。一般而言,根据穴位的发展过程分为三大类。 Acupoints of the fourteen meridians Also known as regular points, acupoints of the fourteen meridians are distributed along the twelve regular meridians, the Du (Governor Vessel) and the Ren (Conception Vessel) Meridians, totally amou


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