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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Diffraction orientation and angle depend on the orientation and magnitude of spatial frequency (1/p) (2) 网格实验 物平面(网格) 频谱面 像平面 S 四?空间滤波系统 通过控制频谱来控制像面的信息. 空间滤波和光学信息处理 物:网格 频谱(衍射图样) 空间滤波和光学信息处理 一列频谱通过 像 空间滤波和光学信息处理 一行频谱通过 像 空间滤波和光学信息处理 倾斜方向的频谱通过 像 空间滤波和光学信息处理 网格粘上的灰尘 空间滤波和光学信息处理 只让网格的频谱通过 网格的像灰尘消失 空间滤波和光学信息处理   用白光照明透明物体,物体的不同部分是由不同取向的透射光栅片组成.频谱面上(除零级外)干涉主极大呈彩色.物面上不同的部分的频谱在不同方向上. 将一个方向的频谱,只保留一种颜色,滤掉其余的颜色,其对应的象面上,就显示出该频率的颜色来. (3) ?调制实验 空间滤波和光学信息处理 物面 白光 输出面 傅里叶变换镜 频谱面 S 空间滤波和光学信息处理 调制后的像 调制后的频谱面 物面 频谱面 空间滤波和光学信息处理 光学信息处理应用举例: (1)卫星拍照下来的月球照片是由许多照相底片细工镶嵌而成的“合成照片”,但还能看到各底片的接缝处的水平痕迹。为了除去这些痕迹,可用不透光的细长条将这些水平接缝的频谱挡住,在输出面上就得到没有接缝的底片。 空间滤波和光学信息处理 Image of CHURN Farm Daedalus 1268 ATM Channel 3 A low-pass filter is designed to emphasise larger, homogeneous areas of similar tone and reduce the smaller detail in an image. Thus, low-pass filters generally serve to smooth the appearance of an image. A high-pass filter does the opposite, and serves to sharpen the appearance of fine detail in an image. Directional or edge detecting filters highlight linear features, such as roads or field boundaries. Horizontal edges Directional Edge filters can also be designed to enhance features which are oriented in specific directions and are useful in applications such as geology, for the detection of linear geologic structures. Phase Contrast Microscope Frits Zernike won the 1953 Nobel prize for this idea Direct rays come through the annular ring, and pass through the matching phase ring on the other side Diffracted rays go through the middle of the phase ring Interference occurs at the eyepiece/camera Phase Contrast Microscope Phase Contrast Microscope Assume a plane wave is incident on a phase object with transmittance: If this “phase object” is thin, so that φ(x,y) 1, then The electric field in the back focal plane of the first lens is: where PSF(kx,ky) is the Point spread function (PSF) of the lens. Phase Contrast Microscop


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