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Disorders of endocrine and metabolic system Definitions and scope of endocrinology Classical endocrinology(经典内分泌学) is the study of endocrine glands which are a group of glands in the body secreting hormones to evoke a specific response in other cells of the body. Classical endocrine glands Pineal(松果体) Pituitary (垂体) Thyroid (甲状腺) Parathyroid (甲状旁腺) Adrenal (肾上腺) Islets (胰岛) gonads (性腺) Endocrine endo-crine endo-a combining form meaning “within,” used in the formation of compound words: endocardial; endocrinology crine: paracrine autocrine exocrine Endocrinology With development, the definition and scope of investigative and clinical endocrinology continues to expand. For example: heart, kidney, adipose tissue Components of the endocrine and metabolic systems Endocrine system Endocrine system consists of two main parts: Endocrine glands Sporadic endocrine tissues and cells in non-endocrine organ Hypothalamus-pituitary-target gland Hypothalamus-pituitary anterior pituitary releases six hormones: ACTH、TSH、FSH、LH、PRL、GH posterior pituitary releases two hormones that are actually produced in the hypothalamus: antidiuretic hormone (ADH) acts on the kidneys to conserve water and also promotes constriction of blood vessels. oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions and promotes milk “letdown” in the breasts during lactation. An excess of growth hormone in children causes giantism. In adults it causes acromegaly. dwarfism (lack of growth hormone). Excess ACTH overstimulates the adrenal cortex, resulting in Cushing disease. Increased prolactin causes milk secretion, or galactorrhea, in both males and females. A specific lack of ADH from the posterior pituitary results in diabetes insipidus(polyuria and polydipsia). Hormones Pituitary TSH,ACTH, GH,PRL,LH,FSH Peripheral gland Thyroid:T3,T4 Parathyroid:PTH Adrenal:cortisol、aldosterone Gonads:T,DHT,E , P Liver:IGF kidney:1,25(OH)2D3 islets:insulin, glucagon(胰高血糖素) Apart from these glands, the


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