新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 6.doc

新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 6.doc

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新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 6

Listen and Respond Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 According to the speaker, happiness ________. A is not easily obtained by poor people B is what movie stars are most eager to obtain C does not naturally follow wealth or success D necessarily results from wealth or success 2 According to the speaker, happiness lies in the following EXCEPT ________. A wealth obtained through honest effort B wealth obtained by winning lotteries C your contribution to others’ happiness D your successful work 3 Instead of being an end, happiness is a n ________. A beginning B process C unattainable goal D business of the community 4 The passage is mainly about ________. A the secret to happiness B the definition of happiness C the misunderstanding of happiness D the relationship between happiness and wealth Task Two Zooming In on the Details Listen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. 1 The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell . 2 If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means , you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a mean person. 3 Long-term happiness is based on honesty , and productive work, contribution, and self-esteem. 4 If your happiness depends on external circumstances , you will always feel unfulfilled because there will always be something missing . Read and Explore Task One Discovering the Main Ideas 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1 Why did the author bring the news story about Ted Turner to Morrie? Because he wondered how Morrie would react to Ted Turner’s failure in “snatching up the CBS network”. At the same time he wanted to know if Ted Turner would still lament his failure if he were stricken down by the same terminal disease as Morrie was suffering fr


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