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Ex.5-1 A plate cam with positive-offset translating roller follower is to have the following motion: a rise through lift h=40mm with a sine acceleration motion curve during ?0=150?, ?S=30?, a return with a 3-4-5 polynomial motion curve during ?0'=120?, and ?S'=60?. The cam rotates clockwise. The given dimensions are: rP=40mm. rR=12mm, e=12mm and rC=25mm. Construct the pitch curve and the cam contour graphically with a scale of 1:1. Label in red ink the centreline of the follower, S, the roller and the pressure angle ? corresponding to ? = 60? and ? = 0?. Ex.5-1 典型错误: 1、偏置方向错误 2、不应沿?方向作图 3、基圆半径= rp ?rp+rr 4、偏置方向突变 典型错误: 5、曲线连接不光滑 6、不应沿径向减rr得实际廓线的点 Ex.5-2 A plate cam with translating offset roller follower has the same motion curve and dimensions as those in Ex.5-1. Write a program to calculate the co-ordinates of the pitch curve, the cam contour and the locus of the centre of the milling cutter, the pressure angle ?, and the radius ?B of curvature of the pitch curve. Ex.5-3 For the plate cam with translating offset roller follower as shown below, arcs GH and IJ are two arcs with centre at O. Indicate the radius rP of prime circle, offset e, cam angle ?0 for rise, cam angle ?S for outer dwell, cam angle ?0' for return, cam angle ?S' for inner dwell and lift h. For the position shown, indicate pressure angle ?, displacement S and the corresponding cam angle ?. Ex.5-3 根据实际廓线求理论廓线 擦掉实际廓线和滚子 H’ I’J’G’分别是升程开始处远休止开始处回程开始处和近休止开始处. 画基圆和偏置圆 画升程开始处远休止开始处回程开始处和近休止开始处的导杆中心线 画全等三角形 求?0 求?s 求?0’ 求?S’ 求h S 和? Ex.5-3 Ex.5-4 For the plate cam with translating offset roller follower as shown below, arcs EA, AB and BCD are three arcs with centre at O, N and P, respectively. Indicate the radius rP of prime circle, offset e, cam angle ?0 for rise, cam angle ?S for outer dwell, cam angle ?0' for return, cam angle ?S' for inner dwell and lift h. For the position shown, indicate pressure angle ?, displacement S and the corresponding cam angle ?. Ex.5-4 根据实际廓线求理论廓线 擦掉实际廓线和滚子 A’ C’E


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