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Our hometown---- 石金玉 刘 鹏 廖克勤 Gan Su 丝绸古道三千里,黄河文明八千年 丝绸之路、长城边关,河西四郡、大漠孤烟,黄土高坡、甘南草原……,在充满传奇色彩与浪漫神韵的丝绸古道上,在辽阔的中国西北腹地,甘肃传承着黄河上游八千年的文化与文明,丝绸之路两千年的辉煌与梦想。 There are Dunhuang Baoku, Jiayu with big, Labrang Monastery, wheat plot clouds, Gansu tourism beauty charm as a tourists dream, a paradise for tourism. 嘉峪关关城文化景区(5A) Jiayuguan is the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall starting point 。Jiayuguan City scenic area consists of the Jiayuguan City, the first pier of Great Wall ,cantilever Great Wall, Great Wall Museum and other attractions . 嘉峪关关城 嘉峪关关城是明代万里长城的西起点,因地势险要,建筑雄伟而有“天下雄关”、“边陲锁钥”之称。嘉峪关由内城、外城、城壕三道防线成重叠并守之势,壁垒森严,以明墙连接第一墩,以暗臂连接悬壁长城,形成明代万里长城军事防御体系的最西关隘。整个建筑布局精巧,气势雄浑,与远隔万里的长城东起点山海关遥相呼应。 Jiayuguan Great Wall City is the western starting point of the Ming Dynasty, because of difficult terrain, the majestic building and the world with big, frontier lock and key, said. Jiayuguan from the inner city, outer city moat into overlapping three lines of defense and keep the trend, closely guarded, in order to clear the wall to connect the first pier to the dark Wall cantilever arm connected to form a military defense system in the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, the most western pass. Compact layout of the building, forceful, and separated by thousands of miles east of the Great Wall starting Shanhaiguan echoes. 嘉峪关关城 Jiayuguan City 万里长城第一墩: “万里长城第一墩”是嘉峪关古代军事防御体系中的66座烽燧墩台的南路十墩之首,除司屯兵、烽火、传递军情、保护屯耕和保障通商、通讯外,由于其形威严高耸,其势雄壮险峻,还具有重要的军事威慑作用。 Its existence and its integrity preserved is an important basis that Jiayuguan constitute the integrity of ancient military defense system. 崆峒山风景名胜区:(5A) 崆峒山位于甘肃省平凉市城西12公里处,东瞰西安,西接兰州,南邻宝鸡,北抵银川. The ancient Silk Road and west off of the fortress. 自古就有“西来第一山”、“西镇奇观”、“崆峒山色天下秀”之美誉。 武威市雷台公园:(4A) 雷台位于武威市北关中路,因出土中国旅游标志--“Horse riding Chebi”而闻名于世,现为全国重点文物保护单位。据史料记载,雷台为前凉(公元301年-375年)国王张茂所筑灵钧台。因供奉、祭祀“雷祖”而得名。台上有明清时期的雷祖殿、三星斗姆殿等10座古建筑组成一个规模庞大的古建筑群。 what is “Horse riding Chebi”? 马踏飞燕 张掖大佛寺:(4A) 大佛寺,始称迦叶如来寺,因寺内供奉释迦牟尼涅涅磐像,故称卧佛寺。明永乐九年(1411年


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