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本科毕业论文(设计) 题目: 工作分析在人力资源管理中的重要性 姓 名: 刘莹 学号: Z010814309093 院(系): 电子工程学院 专业: 人力资源与管理 指导教师: 职称: 评 阅 人: 职称: 2015 年 5 月 工作分析在人力资源管理中的重要性 摘 要 人力资源作为现代企业的一种战略性资源,已经成为企业发展的最关键因素。在人力资源管理的众多内容中,工作分析是重要内容之一。如果没有工作分析,就分辨不清岗位职责,人员的招聘选拔、提升等全靠领导的主观意见,公司的薪酬激励体系无法与岗位的价值相对等。人才对于企业的成败起着举足轻重、不可代替的作用。在企业的资源、技术、产品等各项资源中人才是第一资源,人才是企业发展的最大资产。企业的经营,归根结底是管理者对人才的认识态度和任用方式。识人、管人、用人则是管理者工作事物中的三大事件。识人才能用人,用人才能管人,管人则使识人、用人得到保障,确保企业的竞争力。如何识别人才,用好人才,管理人才,其基础就是工作分析只用通过工作分析,才能正确的识别人才、用好人才和管理人才。 关键词:企业 工作分析 资源 ABSTRACT HR as a strategic resource of modern enterprises, has become the most crucial factor in the development of enterprises. Among the contents of the human resources management, job analysis is an important part. If there is no job analysis, job responsibilities on a confusion, recruitment and selection of personnel, promotion, etc. thanks to the leadership of subjective opinion, the company's remuneration and incentive system and so cannot be a relative value positions. Talent for the success of the enterprise plays an important, irreplaceable role. In the company's resources, technology, products, and other human resources are the primary resources, talent is the greatest asset for enterprise development. Corporate management, the final analysis, managers recognize the attitude and manner of appointment of personnel. Know people, managing people, employment is the manager's job of things in the three events. People can know the employer, the employer to managing people, managing people is to make people know, employers are protected, to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. How to identify talent, with good talent, management talent, based on the work of analysis it is only through the work of analysis in order to correctly identify talent, with good talent and manage


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