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山 东 工 商 学 院 SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY 毕业论文 GRADUATION THESIS  Title Of Thesis 保险消费群体分析研究 分院(系别) Department 统计学院 专 业 Speciality 保险学 班级 Class 保险111 论文作者 Author of Thesis 胡骄烊 日期Date 2011年6月9日 论文指导教师 Advisor 宇文晶 指导教师职称 The Title of Advisor 教 授 保险消费群体分析研究 [摘要] 随着我国经济的发展,保险业作为第三产业的重要服务行业,也逐渐发展起来,在社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,我们只有通过对保险消费群体进行系统全面的分析,才能对保险产品的研究开发和市场营销提供更可靠的依据,从而使消费者更加理性消费。直接原因是消费者的心理动机。因为它可以促使消费者为了达到一定的目的而参与消费活动。被保险人在保险活动中,也受到一定的心理控制。 保险消费具有一些共性,但由于我国的特殊情况,表现出一定的特殊性。保险集团的类型大致可分为一般保险集团和中国特殊的保险消费群体,由于人们的安全预防心理、侥幸心理、逆向选择心理,贪图便宜的心理动机的驱使。保险公司应认真研究消费群体的各类保险,然后认真分析消费者的心理,在对消费群体的准确把握的前提下,对目标客户的细分,以便采取不同的营销策略。 [关键词] 保险;消费群体:经济收入:风险意识 Insurance consumption group analysis Abstract: With the rapid growth of national economy, Chinas insurance industry also obtained fast development, and has achieved fruitful results. Since Chinas accession to the wto, Chinas insurance industry has increased the pace of opening to the outside world. With the further development of the insurance industry and economic comprehensive open, the insurance industrys economic compensation, financing and social management of the three major functions are fully play. Insurance consumption can promote the development of the insurance industry, for the insurance industry, insurance consumption directly determines the success or failure. And consumer attitude towards held by the insurance industry, insurance consumption behavior will affect the development of the insurance industry, so the study of consumer groups can make insurance operator grasps the insurance demand change, expand the market to provide the reference for it. So far, so the study of the theory of the consumer groups to have become a hot research topic. This article first briefly introduced the domestic major insurance companies, and analyze its insurance consumption. Second analysis the main factors influencing the insurance consumption, the establishment of various factors and the relationship model of premium in


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