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《超能陆战队》在今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上斩获最佳动画长片奖,该片在美国狂揽2.2亿美元票房。这个数字固然不错,但如果对照《财富》扣除通胀因素,重新发布的史上票房成绩最高的动画电影榜单,它真的不算什么。那么,史上票房最高的动画电影是哪一部呢?就是里程碑式的经典大片《狮子王》。 Big Hero 6 was the big winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature on Oscar night Sunday. The story of an inflatable personal healthcare robot with a heart of gold, it’s already taken in $220 million at the domestic box office, according to Box Office Mojo, making it the 20th highest grossing animated movie of all time. ????All fine and good, but after you adjust box office totals for inflation, its haul is a lot less impressive. Fortune combed through Box Office Mojo’s list of highest-grossing animated movies and adjusted their domestic totals for inflation, and some of the movies that now appear in the top 10 may be surprising. It’s also worth noting that all box office totals are adjusted to 2014 dollars, because the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, which tracks inflation, doesn’t release its 2015 figures until the end of this week. ??电影《超能陆战队》(Big Hero 6 )在今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上斩获最佳动画长片奖。据票房魔咒网统计,有一颗金子心的充气机器人大白凭借卖得一手好萌,在美国国内狂揽2.2亿美元票房,使这部影片成为有史以来票房收入第20高的动画电影。 ????这个数字固然不错,但如果你把历年各大动画电影的票房收入用通胀率进行调整后,它就显得不那么犀利了。《财富》选取了票房魔咒网给出的史上票房成绩最高的几部动画电影,然后根据通胀率对其美国国内票房成绩进行了一番调整。扣除通胀因素后,在排在前十名的几部电影中,有几部电影的票房收入高得令人咂舌。特别要指出的是,本文所有票房数字均是基于2014年的美元币值计算而出,因为截止到上周末,联邦劳工统计局尚未发布2015年的通胀数据。 ??? ??10. Toy Story 2 ????The 1999 sequel to 1995’s critically and commercially acclaimed Toy Story, this second installment finds Buzz Lightyear and the gang trying to rescue their pal Woody from the clutches of a remorseless toy dealer. ????While the first movie had won accolades from critics and audiences alike, the sequel was a huge step forward in terms of story and characterization, and raised the bar for what a children’s movie could do. It took in $246 million as the 20th Century wrapped up, for a total of $350 million after inflation. ?10. 《玩具总动员2》 ????由于1995年推出的首部《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)叫好又叫座,制片方于1999年拍摄了该电影的续集。在本片中,巴斯光年和他的朋友们试图从一个冷酷的玩具商手中营救出他们的朋友胡迪。 ????《玩


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